I have more squires than I know what to do with. 我的侍从多的不知道该打发他们去干什么。
The family history was typical of the Catholic squires of england. 这个家族的历史,在英格兰信天主教的乡绅中是很典型的。
These young squires are excellent horsemen, they wear little armour and are fast and very accurate with the javelin. 爱尔兰标枪骑兵盔甲简陋,但骑术极佳,面对敌军标枪如雨。
Bertha constantly received congratulations from the surrounding squires on the admirable way in which Edward managed. 伯莎不断地接受来自周围地主乡绅们的贺词,他们称赞爱德华用于管理这地方的良好方式。
Good is still cute, bad is still monstro-evil, the landscapes still green, the hobbits barefoot and dressed like Victorian squires, the warriors handsome, the milieu kitschy. 好人依然可爱,坏人依然丑怪邪恶,景色依然翠绿,光著脚的哈比人依然穿得像英国维多利亚时期的侍从。
Sons o'this whore or that one, little fools run off from home to have adventures, butt boys, squires, and the like. 不是这个婊子的崽子就是那个的,离家出走来探险的小白痴,侍从还有其他的。
Mr James Lycett and Mr Molson came next, both red-faced squires with dogmatic opinions. 詹姆斯·利塞特先生和莫尔森先生跟着也来了,两个人都是面孔通红、意见专横的乡绅。
Her entourage consisted of several squires and maids. 她的随行人由几个护卫和侍女构成。
Squires were a special group in the transformation of modern society in north of Shaanxi, they were very important in the countryside life. 绅士是近代陕北社会转型中的一个独特群体,在乡村社会发挥重要作用。
It is my pleasure to unveil this plaque in honour of the great man who was born here. Beyond it is the grey stone church with its memorial tablets to generations of departed squires. 我很高兴能为纪念这位出生在这儿的伟人不举行揭匾典礼。再远处是一座用灰石砌成的教堂,墙上有历代乡绅的纪念匾。
By 1696, with Tory squires and Amsterdam burghers complaining about excessive taxes. 到1696年,托利党的乡绅们和阿姆斯特丹的市民都对苛捐杂税怨声载道。
They comprise squires, rich commoners, or lesser nobility that cannot afford the expensive armour of a real knight. 骑马军士成份包括骑士仆从、富裕平民或下层贵族,其财力皆不足以购置骑士所使用的昂贵装备。
Here is Squires of the Boar present, known and respected in this town, and here is William, which his father's name was Potkins if I do not deceive myself. 看这里有蓝野猪饭店的老板,他是这个镇上的知名人士,很受人尊敬,还有,威廉也在这里,如果我记忆力不坏的话,他的父姓是鲍特金。
He's nicked the noses of all the squires around. 所有侍卫的鼻子都被他打过。
The Analysis of the Mentality of Squires in Ming Dynasty 明代乡绅心态剖析
At this foundation the Squires curve for the kinematic trajectory of thumb tip was derived. 在此基础上,导出了拇指尖运动轨迹的Squires曲线。
On the Social Strata of Country Squires during the Early Qing Dynasty& A Case Study of Squires in Western Zhejiang, Huzhou Prefecture and Hangzhou Prefecture 清前期乡贤的社会构成初探&以浙西杭州和湖州府为中心
The Squires Curve of Description the Kinematic Trajectory of Thumb Needle 描述拇指尖运动轨迹的Squires曲线
It is mainly from three aspects, i.e. government control and management over rural areas& the Bao-Jia system, management of folk squires and clans in rural society. 主要是从三个方面,即国家对乡村社会控制与管理所采取的方式&保甲制度、民间乡绅和宗族的治理。
Their experiences as officials and high-level knowledge make them more sensitive to the changes of the world and also enable them to make profound analysis. The late Ming society and historical changes hence find themselves extraordinarily vivid in the memories of squires. 他们的仕宦经历和学识水平使其对于世事变迁有着更为敏感的观察力和深刻的解析力,晚明社会和历史的变迁在他们的记忆中由此显得格外生动。