While the SAT is the hurdle you must pass to get into university, students applying to boarding schools must pass the SSAT. 申请美国大学意味着每一位学生必须跨越SAT这条栅栏,换而言之,SSAT将作为申请美国寄宿制学校最重要的衡量标准。
The SSAT or Secondary Schools Admissions Test is the most widely used standardized admissions test by private schools throughout the world. SSAT指的是中学招生考试,是世界范围内私立学校最广泛使用的标准化测试。
Yes, you should go ahead and take the SSAT and send us the results. 是的,你应该去考SSAT并将成绩告诉我们。
Are SSAT and SLEP grades required if international students want to study in your school? 如果国际学生想在你们学校入学,是否需要SSAT和SLEP成绩?
This is why students preparing for the SSAT should give themselves plenty of time in advance. 这就是为什么备考SSAT的学生需要提前预支足够的时间来准备这个部分。
Scores are not ever combined or averaged, each SSAT written by a student is a separate and complete entity. 几次考试的分数不会被合并或者取取平均值,每个学生每次的SSAT成绩都是独立完整的一体。
The system linearization model and state matrix are obtained by using SSAT ( Small Signal Analysis Toolbox). 系统的线性化模型和状态矩阵通过SSAT获得。