A number of staircases ascend from the cobbled streets onto the ramparts. 一段石阶从鹅卵石路上一直向上直通城墙。
We have fully functional smoke alarms on all staircases. 我们在各层楼梯都安装有完全可用的烟雾警报器。
While some staircases remained down into the basements, most of the pathways and escalators were blocked by debris, forcing rescuers to travel along pipes and squeeze through narrow gaps in the rubble. 一些楼梯倒塌在地下室中,大部分通道和电梯也都被爆炸残骸堵塞,救援的人们不得不在沿着管道、或是在碎石堆狭窄的缝隙中挤身前行。
You are supposed to be ready for narrow wooden footbridges and almost vertical staircases. 你要准备好去走那些窄窄的木桥和近乎垂直的台阶。
Visitors enter a tall hall from which angled staircases and meandering paths lead to the galleries and to a roofscape of outdoor terraces enclosed by the glass sails. 参观者进入一个高大的大厅,这里有楼梯和蜿蜒的步道通往展厅和玻璃帆背后的屋顶露台。
Widely used in staircases, corridors, passageways, bathrooms, garages and other places. 广泛用于楼梯,走廊,通道,浴室,车库等场所。
These words were mingled in his thoughts with a vague memory of narrow corridors and dark staircases which he had recently traversed. 这些话和他刚才穿过的那些狭窄回廊以及黑暗扶梯所留下的回忆,在他的思想里都混在一起了。
Resizable handrail for staircases. Place against wall. 可调整长短的楼梯扶手。靠墙放置。
Why not use staircases? The terror was not so violent at that time. 干吗不走楼梯呢,那时地震并不猛烈。
Movie stars always walk down staircases. 电影明星常从楼梯上走下来。
How many staircases are in your house? 你们的房子有几个楼梯?
Inside, black staircases rise from the cavernous white lobby like a drawing by M.C. 内部像一幅画,黑色的楼梯从大而深的白色门廊开始延伸,M。
He fell down from the staircases and died. 从楼梯上掉下来,就死了。
A pedal cross beam of a light step belongs to the manufacture field of staircases. 轻型梯级踏板横梁,属于扶梯制造领域。
Hermione Granger: The staircases change, remember? 赫敏·格兰杰:楼梯会变来变去,记得吗?
In interiors, Baroque movement around and through a void informed monumental staircases that had no parallel in previous architecture. 在内部,巴洛克运动周围,并通过巨大的楼梯无效通知说,没有在以前的并行结构。
Near 80 degrees steeple staircases make you look surprisingly supernatural. 近80度的石阶让你惊心动魄,震撼于这自然的魔力。
Old dwelling Wooden staircases, with the noise of creak when you set foot on it. 《老宅院》木质的楼梯,踏上去咯吱咯吱地作响。
He could see the pretty girls, in their wide skirts, coming down the glassy proud staircases. 他会看见许多美丽的姑娘穿着宽大的裙子从玻璃般明净辉煌的楼梯上走下来。
Smoking and drugs are prohibited within the Hall area ( including the Roof and the Staircases). 在楼舍范围内(包括天台,后楼梯)不准吸烟或吸毒。
They crowded into classrooms, slept on laboratory tables, crammed themselves into staircases, camped out on the lawn. 她们挤在教室里,睡在实验室的桌子上,蹲在楼梯和过道里,露宿在室外的草坪上。
Curving staircases on each side of the mansion's most famous room lead down to the kitchen and the elegant foyer, where a grand piano sits topped with crystal candlesticks. 豪宅的两边各有一个穹形的楼梯,顺其而下,便是餐厅和休息厅,那里摆放着一架顶部点缀着水晶烛的三角钢琴。
Every room would need to have tiny radio beacons to tell the robot where it is, and staircases would need special construction for easy robot access. 每一个房间都得有微型无线电信标发射器来告诉机器人它到了什么地方,楼梯需要有特别的结构使机器人容易爬上爬下。
Double-helix staircases link all three levels. 双螺旋楼梯将上下三层连接了起来。
And happy dale is full of staircases. 快乐谷到处都是楼梯。
The new bus uses more efficient green technology and has two staircases and an open platform, enabling people to hop on and hop off. 新巴士采用了效能更高的绿色环保技术,车上设置两个楼梯和一个开放式的平台,使乘客上车下车。
But what's the word from the streets, staircases, hallway. 但是从大街上,楼梯间,走廊传来的话语。
Live local roads, staircases daily cleaning time, a garbage truck every day; 居住区内道路、楼梯每天清扫一次,垃圾每天清运一次;
Araya is the showpiece of Italian staircases. 阿拉亚堪称意大利楼梯中的精品。