跟踪骚扰者(尤针对名人或分手恋人) A stalker is someone who keeps following or contacting someone else, especially a famous person or a person they used to have a relationship with, in an annoying and frightening way.
Cause They Were Like I Want Everybody To See Even Our Family Even Some Strangers And Stalkers. People Would Do Anything For Subscribers. 因为他们想让所有人都来看,包括陌生人。为了观众他们什么都愿意做。
Most people dont have to live in fear of stalkers. Once a stalker enters your life, however, anything they know about your daily habits will need to be revamped in order to move on. 我们大多数人不用担心会遇到跟踪狂。然而,一旦跟踪狂进入你的生活,你就不得不改掉被其所知的生活习惯,才能继续正常生活。
What are you, stalkers? 你们是跟屁虫吗?
Stalkers come in several types. 潜行者有几个种类。
And just like the example in the question, Stalkers with blink ability and High Templars with psionic storm can be counter Banshees as well. 就像你刚刚提问到的,拥有闪烁技能的追踪者和掌握了心灵风暴的高阶圣堂是对付女妖战机的好方法。
Privacy campaigners have raised fears that adding facial recognition to goggles would allow users to track strangers through a photograph, making it into an ideal tool for stalkers and identity fraudsters. 隐私维权人士担心的是,若goggles增添了人脸识别功能,用户将能够通过相片来追踪陌生人,使goggles成为盯梢者和身份欺诈者的理想工具。
Stalkers always hunt their prey in the same way over and over again. 恐吓者总是在以同样的方式反复寻找他们的猎物。
As is common in Asia, many Vietnamese embrace the world of spirits, the afterlife, fortune-telling and horoscopes – including the concept of ghost stalkers. 许多越南人信奉鬼神世界、来生、算命和占卜,包括鬼怪附体的说法。这是亚洲的普遍现象。
Julie Chen: This morning in Health Watch, dealing with stalkers. 朱莉·陈:今早的《健康观察》探讨的是怎样应对跟踪者。
Yes, the Stalkers are worthy replacements of the Dragoon. 追踪者算是代替了龙骑士么?
This is an example of how a skilled player can use the Stalkers 'Blink ability to great advantage. 这是一个熟练的玩家如何突出“追捕者”的闪现技能优势运用的例子。
You'll get to meet stalkers like me. 你会遇见像我这样的游手好闲的人。
Night Stalkers Never Quit Task Force 160 永不止息的夜暗潜行者&美国陆军第160特遣队