I asked one or two of the stallholders about it. 我向一两个摊贩打听了此事。
The stallholders insistently extol the virtues of the latter when they notice me and my friend looking on curiously. 在注意到我和朋友好奇地打量狗肉的时候,摊主便执意对其自卖自夸。
Market staff make daily checks to ensure stallholders observe the relevant provisions in their tenancy agreements and the law. 街市职员每天巡查档位,确保档户遵守租约条文及有关法例。
Under the existing policy, the majority of stallholders are enjoying a reduction in rent. 根据现行政策,大部分档户享有租金减免优惠。
The stallholders began to sell their wares at half-price. 那些摊贩开始以半价出售他们的货物。
A Study on STD/ AIDS KAB Character Among Stallholders on Pedlars 'Market and Its Intervention Trial 集贸市场摊贩性病/艾滋病KAB特征与干预试验研究
333 stallholders took laboratory test of STD/ HIV. Univariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis were 其中有333名摊贩进行了实验室检测,使用单因素和多因素logistic回归分析性病易感
A study on symptomatic treatments to stallholders with STD in private clinics 在个体诊所中实施性病病征管理可行性研究