Occasionally, the number of stamens and carpels is altered and an ectopic floret occurs in the axil of the rachilla. 雄蕊和心皮的数目偶尔也发生改变,在小穗轴的叶腋处偶尔也异位产生小花。
( botany) having pistils and stamens in the same flower. (生物学)在同一朵花中有雌蕊和雄蕊的。
( botany) having pistils and stamens in separate flowers. (生物学)雄蕊和雌蕊生在不同花中的。
The dimorphic type has one form with a short style and long stamens and the other with a long style and short stamens. 具两态型的一类植物是短花柱和长雄蕊,另外一类是长花柱和短雄蕊。
Having an indefinite number of stamens. 关于大而不确定的数值的。
Any of numerous American oaks having 4 stamens in each floret, acorns requiring two years to mature and leaf veins usually extending beyond the leaf margin to form points or bristles. 美国众多栎树中的任意一种,每朵花具四个雄蕊,橡子两年成熟,叶脉通常伸到叶边形成刚毛。
In trimorphic plants there are three different style lengths with stamens occupying the other two sizes in each plant. 在三态型植物中,每个植株存在三种不同的柱头长度和另外两种长度的雄蕊。
The reproductive portion of the plant, consisting of stamens, pistils, or both, and usually including a perianth of sepals or both sepals and petals. 植物体的生殖器官,具有雄蕊、雌蕊或二者兼具,通常还包括萼片、或萼片和花瓣组成的花被片。
Having six stamens, two of which are shorter than the others, as in most plants of the mustard family. 有六个雄蕊,二个比其它的短,如在大多十字花科植物中。
Any of numerous Old World and American oaks having 6 to 8 stamens in each floret, acorns that mature in one year and leaf veins that never extend beyond the margin of the leaf. 数种旧大陆和美洲栎树的任一种,每花有六至八雄芯,槲果在一年内成熟,叶脉不超过边。
Widely distributed herbs having palmate leaves and creamy white to or pink to magenta flowers with many stamens of unequal length. 一个广布的草本属,叶掌状,乳白色或粉色至红紫色花,花具多数长度不等的雄蕊。
The Lenten rose is not really a rose at all, but it's flower shape reminds us of a single petaled rose with a tuft of dense short stamens in the center. 四旬期玫瑰不根本不是真正的玫瑰,但它的花让我们想起在中心有一丛密集短花蕊的单瓣玫瑰花。
Floral meristem undertake cell divisions actively and differentiate into sepals, petals, stamens and carpels gradually. 花的分生组织进行活跃的细胞分裂,并逐步分化形成萼片、瓣、蕊和雌蕊4个器官。
Any of various mostly tropical herbs, shrubs, and trees of the genus mimosa, having globular heads of small flowers with protruding stamens and usually bipinnate, compound leaves that are often sensitive to touch or light. 含羞草一种含羞草属的多种热带草本植物、灌木及乔本植物,开球状小花,花蕊突出,通常生有二回羽状复叶,对触模和光很敏感。
Flowers are formed in concentric whorls of sepals, petals, stamens and carpels. 萼片、花瓣、雄蕊和雌蕊同心排列构成完全花。
He also describedb the process of pollination and showed that the stamens were the male organs and that the stigma and style were the female organs of a plant. 他还研究了传粉的过程并发现雄蕊是植物的雄性生殖器官,而花柱和柱头是植物的雌性生殖器官。
An anatomical study on abortion process of pistils and stamens in Early Beauty plum 早美丽李雌雄蕊败育过程的解剖学观察
Attractive domed or flalt-topped Asiatic tree having bipinnate leaves and flowers with long silky stamens. 亚洲乔木的一种,顶部呈拱形或平形,有二回羽状叶,花长雄蕊。
Most flowering plant species bear hermaphrodite flowers with functional stamens and carpels. 大多数有花植物着生具有功能性雄蕊和雌蕊的两性花。
Any of various New World herbs of the genus Tradescantia, especially T.virginiana, having three-petaled blue or purple flowers with six hairy stamens. 一种产于美洲的紫露草属草本植物,尤指弗吉尼亚紫露草,生有三瓣的蓝色或紫色花朵和六个毛状雄蕊。
Reproductive organ formation, including panicles, stamens, and spikelets, was also gradually and severely impaired in G1 to G4 mutants. 生殖器官,包括穗、雄蕊和小穗的形成在G1-G4中也渐次严重受到破坏。
Single blue-gray to near white/ bright yellow stamens. 单瓣蓝至灰色近白色花,明亮的黄色雄蕊。
( of a plant) having both stamens and pistils in the same flower (指植物)一朵花中兼有雄蕊和雌蕊的
These incompletely differentiated organs are neither stamens nor carpels, but have partial floral identity. 这个未完全分化的器官既不是雄蕊也不是心皮,但具有部分花器官的属性。
The plants are rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, and people have consumed the petals, stamens, leaves, seeds, and roots for thousands of years. 这种植物是富含饮食的纤维和维生素,人们被它的花瓣,花蕊,荷叶,种子,和根部所吸引已经有数千年历史。
Stamens may mature before carpels, known as protandry, or after, protogyny. 雄蕊可以先于雌蕊成熟,称为雄蕊先熟;
The REP1 gene is only expressed in palea primordium during early flower development, but during later floral stages is radially dispersed in stamens and the vascular bundles of the lemma and palea. REP1调节内稃的属性和发育。REP1在花发育早期只在内稃原基表达,而在花发育后期迅速扩散到雄蕊和内外稃的维管束中表达。
( botany) lacking one or more of the four whorls of the complete flower& sepals or petals or stamens or pistils. (植物学)缺少完全花的四个轮生体当中的一个或者多个&萼片、花瓣、雄蕊或者雌蕊。