ElBaradei noted that global diplomacy was the most effective way to solve the stand-offs over the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and Iran. 巴拉迪指出,国际外交是解决北韩和伊朗核武器发展计划争执的最有效的方法。
It shows that the Kremlin remains the only effective arbiter in such tycoon stand-offs. 它告诉人们,在寡头对峙中,克里姆林宫是唯一有效的仲裁者。
A country whose influence and importance are rising so quickly is bound to find itself in new diplomatic stand-offs, yet for some analysts, the recent series of tensions between China and the rest of the world appear to be rooted in misjudgments by Beijing. 一个国家的影响力和重要性在如此快速地上升,难免会被卷入一些外交冲突。但在一些分析人士看来,近来一系列中外紧张事件,似乎源于北京方面的误判。
Late on Saturday, Mr Reid said he was postponing a planned procedural vote on his bill in the Senate-the latest stage in a series of Congressional stand-offs between the two parties. 上周六,里德显示说他在参议院,把一项该投票的提案给推迟了,这投票可是一系列国会两党PK的最后一步啊。
The rest of the world has yet to work out what kind of power China will be and whether it will use its might responsibly in the region, he says, but it is clear China would win from any stand-offs between India and its neighbours. 他表示,世界其它各国尚未搞清楚中国会成为何种大国,以及它是否会在地区负责任地运用自己的威力,但显然中国将从印度与邻国的一切对峙中获益。
Mr Kynge does, however, fear that some of the stand-offs between China and developed countries will provoke a protectionist backlash within China that will set back global growth and prosperity. 不过,令金奇担心的是,中国与发达国家的一些对峙,会激起中国国内保护主义的反弹,从而阻碍全球的增长和繁荣。
After weeks of talks, negotiators in Geneva were last week on the cusp of a deal after the US and leading developing economies appeared to resolve stand-offs on agriculture and development issues. 经过数周谈判后,上周各国谈判代表在日内瓦曾接近谈拢,此前美国和主要发展中经济体似乎化解了农业和发展议题上的对峙。
Thanks to this master of political theatre, a discredited Indian government faces one of the biggest stand-offs with the people since, well, Mahatma Gandhi. 由于这位政治舞台的领袖人物,印度名声扫地的的政府面临自圣雄甘地以来与人民最大的僵持局面。