See The Standish Group paper, What Are Your Requirements? 8见斯坦迪什团队论文你的要求是什么?
Unfortunately, according a report by the Standish Group, if you have four IT projects going on, three of them will ultimately end up to a similar fate. 不幸的是,根据StandishGroup的报告,如果您进行四个IT项目,其中三个都会有相似的最终命运。
Jules Standish, author of How Not To Wear Black, is a style and colour consultant for women afraid of standing out, and she believes that changing your shopping habits can boost your well-being and self-esteem. 《如何不穿黑色衣服》一书的作者朱尔斯斯坦迪士,是女性出挑恐惧症的时尚设计和色彩搭配咨询师,她相信改变你的购物习惯能够提高你的幸福指数和自尊心。
However, although Standish was fearless in battle, he was too shy to confront Mullins directly, so he sent his young friend, Alden. 尽管斯坦狄什在战斗中勇敢无畏,但他却害羞得不敢面对莫林斯,于是就请出了他年轻的朋友奥尔登(去帮他求爱)。
It was clear that Alden and Mullins were in love, but the couple was afraid of offending Standish. 显而易见,奥尔登和莫林斯两人彼此相爱,但他们又害怕惹恼斯坦狄什。
Where appropriate, Standish will allocate block trades at the average price of the aggregated order. 在适当时,斯坦迪什(Standish)会按照经综合的订单平均价格对批量订单进行分配。
After Alden had pleaded Standish's case, Mullins said," Why don't you speak for yourself, John?" 在奥尔登说明了斯坦狄什的心意后,莫林斯说,“你为什么不为自己表白呢,约翰?”
At the end of the wedding, Standish, who had not been killed after all, appeared, and seeing what had transpired, gave the newlyweds his blessing and asked their forgiveness for his previous behavior. 在婚礼结束之时,根本就没有死的斯坦狄什出现了。目睹了所发生的一切之后,斯坦狄什祝福了这对新人,并为自己先前的行为请求他们的原谅。
A Standish Report study showed only a3% rate of success for projects over$ 10 million. 一份Standish报告研究表明,超过1千万美元的项目,成功率只有3%。
Among the ancestors of the poet on his mother's side were John and Priscilla Alden, of whom he wrote in'The Courtship of Miles Standish '. 在朗费罗的诗人祖先中,第一个诗人是他母亲一支的约翰·奥尔登和普里西拉·奥尔登,他们的事迹在朗费罗的《迈尔斯·斯坦迪什王朝》一诗中有所叙述。