The relation between STANNIFEROUS granite and plate motion in western Yunnan 滇西含锡花岗岩与板块活动的关系
On the geological features of STANNIFEROUS placer deposits of Gejiu type 试论个旧式砂锡矿床地质特征
Study on the Morphology and Stress Properties of Mulberry and Tussah Silks under the Action of Stanniferous Salts 锡盐作用下桑蚕丝与柞蚕丝的形态及应力特征研究
Process-mineralogical investigation of factors affecting tin volatilization in reductive process of STANNIFEROUS magnetite pellets 影响含锡磁铁矿球团锡还原挥发因素的工艺矿物学研究