The new mathematic models of acoustic stapedius reflex have been suggested to be a routinely method used ill forensic medical audiological assessment. 声镫骨肌推算听敏度数学模型仍可作为法医学鉴定中客观评定听力下降程度的首选常规方法。
All tympanograms of 28 ears showed "A" type and bilateral abolition stapedius muscle reflex. 28耳鼓室图呈A型、同侧及对侧镫骨肌反射消失。
Electrically Evoked Stapedius Reflex in Post-Cochlea Implant Patients 人工耳蜗术后电诱发镫骨肌反射
Acoustic stapedius reflex in patients with mild or no hearing loss is useful for defining the involved sites and evaluating the prognosis. 轻度或无耳聋者行镫骨肌反射测试,有助于面瘫的定位诊断和估计预后。
Application of acoustically evoked stapedius reflex threshold via cochlear implant for maximum comfortable level determination 声诱发的镫骨肌反射阈确定人工耳蜗植入者最大舒适阈
Experimental studies on pulse acoustic reflex of stapedius 脉冲声镫骨肌反射
The advantages of an acoustic-stapedius reflex thresholds are used objective simple equipments, easy to operate and cheap. 声镫骨肌反射具有客观、设备简单、操作方便快捷、检查费用低廉等优点。