So she` s sticking to the solo life on campus this summer, where she feels breezy and gets some relief reading a book for an entire day or sitting up on the dorm roof at night stargazing. 因此她坚持今年暑假留在学校独自生活。在学校里她过得轻松自在,可以看一整天书,也可以坐在宿舍楼顶上看星星来消遣。
Stargazing has increasingly become an alternative to traditional after-sundown dining and drinking at hotels and resorts. 以前每当日落后,人们在酒店和度假胜地吃饭饮酒消遣,而现在,观星已逐渐成了另一种选择。
Stargazing at Hotel de Larache is no mere add-on. 在拉腊什酒店观星不只是一个余兴节目。
Nearby resorts that feature stargazing include Tierra Atacama, a stone's throw from Hotel de Larache, and Alto Atacama lodge, which offers guided stargazing nightly, except during full moon phases that wash out the viewing. 附近以观星为特色的度假村包括离拉腊什酒店一箭之遥的阿塔卡马高地和阿塔卡马女低音旅店,后者为夜间观星提供指导,但出现满月时除外,因为月明星稀,无法观赏到理想景观。
Newly in possession of a 14-inch computerized telescope, Mr. Mahoney still leads stargazing sessions, which he started 10 years ago. 马奥尼先生最近拥有了一台14英寸电脑控制望远镜,他依然继续着自己10年前就开始从事的观星向导的工作。
The time for stargazing – drifting away from immediate reality – is over. 沉醉于幻想,偏离于当下实相的这个时代结束了。
These binoculars are perfect for long-distance viewing, bird watching, or even stargazing. 这些望远镜是远距离观赏,赏鸟,观星,甚至完美。