The starkest example is Jeff Bewkes at Time Warner. 最明显的例子就是时代华纳的杰夫•贝克斯。
Climate change and the depleted ozone layer are among the starkest examples. 气候变化和臭氧层耗减就是其中最明显的例子。
In the starkest language it has ever used, the expert panel made clear how far society remains from having any serious policy to limit global warming. 这个专家委员会用迄今最严厉的措辞明确指出,人类社会距采取任何严肃政策来限制全球变暖方面还差得很远。
The choice will be starkest over Iraq. 伊拉克问题将是焦点所在。
As young women walked Beijing's streets in short skirts instead of heavy winter clothes, Chinese were confronted in the starkest way with the phenomenon of global warming. 北京街头的年轻女郎们脱下厚厚的冬装,换上了短裙,全球变暖以最直接的形式出现在中国人面前。
The disparity between China's burgeoning coastal cities and remoter western provinces is one of the starkest examples of a lack of domestic integration, the bank said. 世行称,中国发展迅速的沿海城市与较偏远西部省份间的差距,是缺乏国内整合的最鲜明例证之一。
The second-quarter results season drawing to a close has provided the starkest evidence yet of this trend. 临近结束的第二季度业绩发布期为这种趋势提供了迄今最确凿的证据。
The gap between the developed and the developing world in terms of infant and child survival is one of the starkest examples of health inequity. 世界上发达国家和发展中国家之间的差距,就婴儿和儿童的生存而言,就是健康的不公平现象中的最实在的例子。
A draft of the proposed communication from the G8's summit in Germany in June, seen by the FT, shows the US is trying to weaken some of the starkest language on climate change. G8计划在今年6月德国峰会上发表的一份声明草案显示,美国正试图弱化在气候变化方面的一些严厉措辞。英国《金融时报》看到了这一草案。
It is not alone, although it is the starkest example. 纽约是一个极其典型的海滨城市的例子,但不是唯一的。
And there has inevitably been oversimplification sometimes amplified by environmental groups keen to present the threat of global warming in the starkest terms. 结果就是,将这个问题过于简单化的情形不可避免地出现了有时,急于用最严厉的措辞表达全球变暖威胁的环保组织会进一步夸大这个现象。
The International Monetary Fund yesterday gave its starkest warning about the impact of rising commodities, saying that food and oil prices "risk becoming a destabilising force in the global economy". 国际货币基金组织(imf)昨日就大宗商品价格不断上涨的影响发出了最严厉的警告,该组织表示,食品和石油价格“可能成为全球经济中的不稳定因素”。