The land is bountiful and no one starves. 这片土地物产丰富,没有人挨饿。
Sometimes the mother bird starves her own offspring because of the cuckoos incessant de-mands. 有时候,母鸟把自己的孩子活活饿死了,就因为布谷鸟不断地要吃的。
When an insect larva eats these bacteria, the toxin contained in the bacterium attaches to the insect's gut and makes holes in it, and the larva starves to death. 当昆虫的幼虫吃了这些细菌后,细菌中的霉素就会附着在昆虫的内脏,并在上面打出许多洞。这样,幼虫就会被饿死。
It starves tumors by blocking blood flow to the growths. 它能够隔离肿瘤生长所需的血液流动。
She got a raise, you didn 't. He was recognized, you weren' t. Some people have food to eat while others starves. Injustices happen on the job and in the world every day. 她加薪了,你却没有;他受器重了,而你没有。有人温饱就有人挨饿,世界上不公平随处可见,职场也一样。
PDT kills cancer cells through a combination of drug and light, which starves the cancer of oxygen allowing the body to heal and create new, healthy cells. PDT通过多种药物和光线杀死癌细胞,它让癌细胞与氧气隔绝,让身体可以痊愈。
With confidence gone, banks have been forced to advance loans to their off-balance-sheet "special investment vehicles", which uses up their capital and so starves other borrowers. 随着信心的丧失,银行已被迫将贷款纳入资产负债表外的“特殊投资工具”,这耗尽了它们的资金,从而使其它借款人无法得到资金。
When the cold weather comes, the grasshopper begs the ant for food. The ant refuses and the grasshopper starves. 当寒冷的冬季来临时,蚱蜢向蚂蚁乞要食物,蚂蚁拒绝,最后蚱蜢饿死了。
It forces the boy to fight, starves him. 它迫使男孩去战斗,让他忍受饥饿。
For him the American system is one that feeds his stomach and starves his soul. 对他来说,现在这个美国制度可以填饱他的肚子,但却不能培育其心灵。
Than his, whom plenty starves, and blessings curse? 丰盛使他饥饿,祝福成了咒诅;
Previous studies pointed to abnormal blood vessel growth that starves a developing placenta of oxygen, but researchers had little clue what set off those changes. 此前研究指出异常的血管生长使得发育中的胎盘缺氧,但研究者对引发其变化的原因找不到丝毫线索。
A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. 一只蟑螂没有头可以生存九天,然后它才饥饿而死。
So, nobody starves in advanced countries of the world today because of this system. 所以,今天的发达国家里无人挨饿,就归功于这个制度。
This has led to a terrible situation in which the world's poor starves as the United States literally burns food. 所以我们看到的悲惨现象就是:当美国为了能源而把食物(玉米)「烧掉」时,世界贫穷地区的人民却因为饥馑挣扎在生死边缘。
If I don't give, he starves. 我不施舍他就要挨饿。
With the development of Information Technology, the model of training IT talents starves for innovation. 随着IT技术的发展,IT人才的培养模式急需改革。
With the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the troops depending on science and technology, the military food support starves for a sort of completely new and upscale intensive support system and an industrialized productive means so as to establish a modernized sustenance support mode. 随着科技强军战略的实施,我军饮食保障急需一种全新的、高层次的集约化保障体系,需要工业化的生产手段,并建立现代化的饮食保障模式。
The Contemporary Era Starves for the Individualization of Teaching Chinese 时代呼唤语文教学个性化
Civil Lawsuit Law starves for reformation and innovation, with sturdy and perfect attitude to welcome a new development phase. 民事诉讼法急需改革与创新,以逐步健全和完善的姿态迎接一个新的发展阶段。
However, marketable, specialization and socialization of home embedded industry is lowlihead. Middling company starves for understanding bottom technology of testing data collection, constructs testing assistant instrument to heighten the level of roboticized testing and ensure the the quality of production. 但目前国内嵌入式软件市场化、专业化和社会化程度较低,中小公司急需了解底层核心的测试数据采集技术,构造合适的测试工具,提高自动化测试水平、保证产品质量。