ADJ-GRADED 有政治家风范的;有政治家才干的 If you describe someone, especially a political leader, as statesmanlike, you approve of them because they give the impression of being very able and experienced.
He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor... 他作为一位睿智、具备政治家才干的州长而广受尊崇。
He is trying to project a more dignified, statesmanlike image in this election year. 他正试图在这个选举年中树立一种更加威严、更有政治家风范的形象。
He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor 他作为一位睿智、具备政治家才干的州长而广受尊崇。
He is trying to project a more dignified, statesmanlike image in this election year. 他正试图在这个选举年中树立一种更加威严、更有政治家风范的形象。
But these extremes are so clearly in the wrong that the statesmanlike approach is just to ignore them both. 但这些极端的态度明显是错误的,真正的政治家会无视这两者。
As bellicose rival politicians rattled their kris in a recent fishing row with Malaysia, he was statesmanlike and calm. 当来势汹汹的对手在最近与马来西亚的渔业纠纷中破口大骂之时,他却一派平静,颇有政治家之风。
Brown, looking statesmanlike but resigned to political reality, accepted blame for Labour's loss of91 seats in last week's election and its failure to win a parliamentary majority. 这位很有前瞻性的政治家布朗因为政治现实辞职,并同意对工党在上周的选举中失去的91个席位且未能赢得议会多数席位一事负责。
This may sound statesmanlike, but it is in fact a dangerous delusion. 这听上去或许像是政治辞令,但实际上是一种危险的错觉。
While the Republicans spend the next year clobbering each other, Mr Obama can appear statesmanlike and husband his resources. 在共和党人相互攻击的时候,奥巴马先生将表现其政治家风范并有效利用其资源使出浑身解数。
You should deal with this matter in a statesmanlike way. 要用政治家的风度来处理这个问题。
As the fortunes of his various potential challengers have waxed and waned, Mr Romney has maintained a statesmanlike indifference. 不管他的各种挑战者的地位上升下降,罗姆尼保持了一种政治家的冷漠。
He behaved in a more statesmanlike fashion during the latter stages of the crisis, but this hardly makes up for what is now widely perceived to be a total lack of purpose. 他在危机后期的行为更具政治家风范,但这很难无补于他在人们眼中完全缺乏目的性的普遍形象。
He's an effective enough politician but somehow he lacks the statesmanlike gravitas of a world leader. 他是一个足够引人注意的政客,但他却有些缺乏一个世界领袖的政治家般的庄严举止。