At the same time, the eff is often an ally of Google and Facebook when it comes to staving off liability to rights holders over user-generated infringing content, like pirated movies, photos, or music. 然而与此同时,在用户生成的侵权内容方面(比如盗版电影、照片或音乐),电子前沿基金会的态度通常与谷歌和Facebook是一致的,都不赞成版权所有人向传播方追究连带责任。
Broadly speaking, the genes less active in the lonely were those involved in staving off viral infections. 一般来说,孤独的人体内活力较低的基因是那些帮助人们避开病毒感染的基因。
Americans spend more than$ 20 billion a year on supplements in hopes of staving off cancer, heart disease, and dementia. 美国人每年买补品花费超过200亿美元,希望能避免癌症、心脏病和痴呆症。
Last week, central bankers from the eurozone and Japan voiced optimism that their policies of quantitative easing and currency depreciation would be successful in staving off outright deflation. 就在上周,欧元区各国央行和日本央行曾乐观表示,量化宽松和货币贬值政策有可能帮助它们成功避免全面通缩。
Americans spend more than$ 1 billion a year on calcium supplements in hopes of staving off osteoporosis, the brittle bone disease that cripples many elderly women and some men. 美国人一年花费逾10亿美元购买各类钙补充剂,期望能推迟骨质疏松症的发生。骨质疏松症是一种让骨头变脆的疾病,许多老年女性和部分男性都会因骨质疏松致残。
Research has shown that a diet high in whole grains helps in staving off2 diabetes in older men, even obese ones. 研究已显示多吃全麦食物能帮助老人预防糖尿病,甚至对肥胖的老人也有用。
There is little downside in predicting disaster: if it does not materialise they can claim to have been instrumental in staving it off. 预言灾难几乎毫无坏处:如果灾难没有出现,他们可以声称预言对防止灾难起到了重要作用。
Growth hormone also plays a role in fighting tissue breakdown, staving off stress fractures and improving metabolic function. 生长激素在对抗阻止分解、应力断裂和提高新陈代谢功能中也发挥作用。
In the name of staving off the invasion, a series of targeted restrictions and incentives were rolled out. 以阻挡入侵的名义,一系列定向的限制和鼓励措施出台。
A more effective approach to staving off potential unrest in urban areas would be to increase investment, not in more hardware, but in human capital. 阻止城市地区发生潜在骚乱的更有效方法将是增加投资&不是建设更多的硬件设施,而是投资于人力资本。
But if it is not, she will face a difficult ongoing balancing act between defending the integrity of an institution she now runs and staving off immediate disaster in a continent she has just left. 否则,她就需要艰难而长期地维持一个平衡:一方面要捍卫她如今掌管的组织的廉正性,另一方面要为她刚刚离开的欧洲抵御迫在眉睫的灾难。
That deal, aimed at staving off the need for compulsory redundancies, involves staff accepting a pay freeze on their hourly rate, a reduction in working hours, and enhanced pensions under a two-year deal. 上述协议旨在暂时避开强制性裁员的需要,内容包括职员接受计时工资冻结不再涨薪、工时减少以及增加两年期合同中的养老金。
Governments, and particularly the US government, reacted on each occasion by pumping money into the financial system in the hope of staving off wider collapse, with some degree of success. 在每个极端,各国政府(尤其是美国政府)的回应都是向金融体系注资,以期阻止更大范围的崩盘,它们在某种程度上获得了成功。
'How long are you staving?'i asked him uncivilly. “你要待多久?”我很不客气地问他。
With political opposition to new loans to Greece growing in several northern eurozone countries and the European Central Bank adamantly against any restructuring of Greek debt, European leaders see the privatisation plan as the best hope of staving off insolvency. 在一些欧元区北方国家,反对为希腊提供新贷款的政治声浪日益高涨,而欧洲央行(ECB)坚决反对希腊重组债务。因此,欧洲领导人把私有化计划视作希腊避免破产的最大希望。
He has obviously been listening to the talk on TV about how the American consumer is keeping the world economy from sinkingsintosrecession and perhaps even staving off a catastrophic bout of deflation. 显然,他是一直听电视里有关美国消费者正在使世界经济不致陷入萧条、甚至还会避免一场通货紧缩灾难的谈话节目。
Jane was so beautiful that she had difficulty staving off all the men who wanted to marry her. 简太美了,很难抵挡向她求婚的所有男人。
Most adults gain one to two pounds a year over a lifetime, so staving off the holiday pound can go a long way. 大多数成年人一生中,一年会增加一到两磅,所以避开在假期长肉将会对保持体重大有帮助。
For several years the United States had been staving off the entry of Beijing into the un. 好几年来,美国一直在阻止北京进入联合国。
More importantly for Mr Obama, he can now claim back home that he has led the global effort to tackle the global recession while staving off any attempt to pin the blame on the US. 对奥巴马来说更重要的是,现在他回国后可以宣称,自己在解决全球经济衰退的全球努力中发挥了领导作用,同时击退了任何将责任归咎于美国的企图。
Some of the variants could have a role in staving off debilitating age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease. 一些变异有延缓与年龄有关的衰弱性疾病的作用,比如老年痴呆症和心血管疾病。
By taking incremental exercise to establish overtraining model, in order to provide the experimental evidences for Aralia elata staving and eliminating exercise-induced fatigue. 通过慢性动物实验,建立过度训练模型,为辽东木忽木延缓或消除运动性疲劳的研究提供实验依据。
We don't know how long the building work will last, but we'll be staving with friends for the duration. 我们不知道这项建筑工程要持续多久,但我们在施工期间将住在朋友家。
And the use of hormones does need to be restricted to the relief of menopausal symptoms, not as a means of staving off heart disease, she added. 激素治疗只能被用于减轻更年期症状,而不能用于预防心脏病的发生。
For the moment, however, European leaders are still concentrating on staving off the evil moment when this problem has to be confronted. 但是现在,欧洲各国领导人仍在致力于延缓不得不直面问题的那一痛苦时刻的到来。
Aren't we supposed to be paying this kind of attention to our health, reducing risks, staving off illness and catching problems while they're still small? 难道我们不应该通过年检来关注自己的健康,降低风险,避开疾病并且在疾病发病初期就发现问题吗?
We keep the back channels open in hopes of staving off disaster. 打开秘密渠道,以免灾难发生。
Ku smiled apologetically at Li and said," my luggage is all here. I think I'll go with them. there's no point staving here any longer. " 顾尔谦向李梅亭抱歉地笑道:“我行李全到了,我想跟他们去,在这儿住下去没有意义。”
A Comparative Research of Ancient and Modern Mechanism about Athletic Exercise Staving off Decrepitude 运动延缓衰老的古今机理研究比较
Field geologic survey and study of geometry, kinematics structural stress field show that the ductile shear zone underwent two stages of deformation: early staving and later dextral strike-slipping. 野外地质、几何学、运动学及构造应力场的研究表明,桂东南那卜韧性剪切带具两期活动性质:主期变形机制具右行走滑性质,而前期变形机制以压扁作用为主。