The reverse of that argument is that the savvy investor can make steadier returns in such companies, which are less volatile and potentially less susceptible to technology risk. 反过来说,明智的投资者可以从这样的公司得到更稳定的回报&这种回报的波动较小,而且可能不那么容易受到科技领域风险的影响。
The testing discipline has experienced perhaps steadier growth in terms of knowledge acquisition, theory, and application than the others we've looked at. 测试规范可能已经在知识获得,理论和应用方面,比我们所看到的其它理论经历了更稳定的发展。
The chip business could soon provide steadier profits and higher free cash flow. 芯片业务有望不久提供更稳定的利润和更多自由现金流。
Wanda's real-estate business is much more cyclical, because 83% of revenue comes from property sales rather than leasing retail space, which generates a steadier cash flow. 而万达的房地产业务受经济周期的影响要大得多,因为其83%的收入来自房地产销售,而非现金流更加稳定的租赁业务。
And when it comes to video, the footage is much steadier than what you often see from a shaky camera phone. 而当它被用作录像机时,连续镜头将比你在一部摇晃的手机照相机中看到的更加平稳。
It shows that the model is better and steadier on prediction capacity in the 7-year experiments for rainy season precipitation. 通过青岛汛期降雨量的7年预报试验表明,该模型具有较为稳定的预报能力,值得进一步研究应用。
Capital flows were steadier in developing economies. 发展中国家的资本流动相对较为稳健。
Staring at the horizon really does make people steadier while at sea and free of seasickness, according to a study published in the journal Psychological Science. 据美国“趣闻科学”网站27日报道,一项刊登在美国期刊《心理科学》的研究称,举目远眺地平线可使出海的人们更加镇定,免于晕船。
This helps to absorb into the body at a more steadier rate. 这样可使身体保持一个稳定吸收的状态。
The analysis results on the steadiness of sample liquid showed that the untreated or unchanged blue sample liquid is steadier. 对待测样品液稳定性分析的结果表明,未经显色处理及显色后盖上塞子的待测液较为稳定。
Sino-American relations, I heard several times during my trip, have been consistently steadier than at any time since the door to dialogue was opened by the ping-pong diplomacy of the early 1970s. 我在访问过程中多次听说,自上世纪70年代初乒乓外交开启两国对话之门以来,目前的中美关系比以往任何时候都更为稳固。
When I called home, I would exaggerate the accomplishments of other people in show business, because I knew my mother would have like to see me in a steadier line of work. 我知道母亲希望我从事比较稳定的职业,每次给家里打电话,我都要把演艺界其他人士所取得的业绩夸耀一番。
It mkes axis rotation more steadier for its reamer axis and the bearing seat through precise craft process, the noise and vibration are lower than other counterfeiting by far. 精密工艺加工刀轴及轴承座,使刀轴转动更平稳,噪音和振动远远低于其它仿冒者。
Complex carbohydrates supply a slower and steadier release of energy into your body and are generally lower in calories than simple carbohydrates. 复杂碳水化合物在机体中能缓慢并稳定地释放出能力,与简单碳水化合物相比,通常热量较少。
As soon as he reached a greater height, conditions became much steadier, and he finished his journey without accident. 他一飞上一定的高度,情况就稳定多了。他完成了这次飞行,没有发生任何事故。
Alcohol, he insisted, warded off colds, kept you alert, and even made you steadier on your feet. 他认为,酒能驱走感冒、提神,甚至让人脚下站地更稳。
Conclusion Compared with ultrasonication, high pressure homogenization is a better method to prepare TET-SLN, which is smaller, steadier and highly incorporated. 结论高压乳匀法制备的TET-SLN具有粒径小、稳定性和包封率高的特点,优于超声法。
He looked at the boy, who sat facing him from a front-row desk, his elbows splayed out for a steadier aim. 他看着那男孩,他坐在前排的一张课桌上,面对自己,为坐得稳当,他把双肘向外撑开。
He is much steadier while walking, his ability to walk has been growing and he like to jump around. 他的走路比以前走得稳当了许多,行走能力越来越强了,喜欢跳。
Hereafter, Ningbo will build steadier tourist liner and touch upon Europe, the Americas and South Asia, and advance offshore tourist sources in Yangtze River Delta. 今后,宁波将逐步建立较为稳定的旅游航线,并形成涉及欧洲、美洲、南亚的海上旅游枢纽,进一步激活整个长三角的海上旅游资源。
However, the orientation of the reform of the interest rate system will remain unchanged, and steadier steps will be taken in the reform. 论利率市场化和我国的利率体制改革但是,利率体制改革方向不变,但步子要更稳妥。
Post-conflict states such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Sudan should jump into double-digit growth on stronger institutions and steadier policies, providing security improved. 如果国内安全得到改善,在更为强健的制度和更为稳定的政策推动下,伊拉克、阿富汗和苏丹等爆发过国内冲突的国家应能实现两位数增长。
It might lead to a steadier, less flexible, even duller financial system. 它可能会带来一个稳定性更强、不那么灵活、甚至更加沉闷的金融体系。
Compared to "the big-bang model" of russia's transition, the Gradualism model of china's reform is safer and steadier. 与俄斯的“大爆炸式”转型相比,中国的渐进主义改革更安全、更稳健。
On land, people were more stable when looking at something close to them, but at sea, they stayed steadier while gazing far away. 事实上,在陆地上人们近距离凝视物体会让人们保持平衡,而在大海中,远距离眺望则会让人们更加“稳定”。
That the prospects for the sector could have improved so markedly is a reflection of the slowdown in the developed world since the global financial crisis versus the far steadier, faster growth in China. 该行业的前景可能会出现如此巨大的改善,这反映出自全球金融危机以来,发达世界经济放缓,而中国的增长远比发达国家更稳、更快。
Demand for coffee, one presumes, has been steadier. 有人认为,咖啡需求一直较为稳定。
The more things changed, that is, the more rapidly the wheel turned, the steadier we would be. 即,改变越多,转速越快,转动越稳。
We are going to move forward at a steadier and faster pace. 我们前进的步伐会更稳健,更扎实,更快。
That is what Ford is reaping the reward for doing now, under the less exciting but steadier leadership of Alan Mulally. 现在在艾伦·穆拉力的相对平淡却稳健的领导下,福特要收获曾经的冒险种下的果实。