They peeped out stealthily from a corner of the wall. 他们几个在墙角处鬼头鬼脑地往外探望。
He was enjoying the cool breeze, when all at once he saw a man stealthily peering about. 他正乘着凉,只见一个人探头探脑在那里张望。
On a sunny and clear day, somebody is willing to lend his umbrella to you, whereas on a rainy day, he stealthily goes away with his umbrella. 有的人,在阳光明媚的日子里愿意把伞借给你,而下雨的时候,他却打着伞悄悄地先走了。
When the passengers were not looking she stealthily removed the more prominent blooms from her hat and placed them in the basket, where she covered them with her handkerchief. 在乘客们不再注意她的时候,她就偷偷地把帽子上特别显眼的玫瑰花取下来,放在篮子里,用她的手巾遮盖起来。
When bissextile earth wants censer and candlestick, I still laugh at him stealthily, think he always is idolatrous, when to forget. 闰土要香炉和烛台的时候,我还暗地里笑他,以为他总是崇拜偶像,什么时候都不忘却。
Leave furtively and stealthily. To move stealthily or cautiously. 偷偷地或小心翼翼地走偷偷地并且仓促地移动。
Opening the memorandum stealthily, she had deleted all those three memorandums. 偷偷翻开备忘录,她把那三条备忘录都删了。
At time-sharing daybreak, I stealthily make a promise at the lover's ear and we embrace each other closely; 黎明时分,我在恋人耳畔悄悄地许下了誓愿,于是我们紧紧拥抱。
To move stealthily or cautiously. 偷偷地或小心翼翼地走。
Leave furtively and stealthily. 偷偷地,悄悄地离开。
Moving silently and deliberately; especially pursuing stealthily and persistently. 悄悄的、故意的行动;特别是悄悄的、持续的追赶。
One's established personal identity is a mask culture stealthily imposes. 我们既有人格的认同是文化偷偷地强加给我们的面具。
I kept silent but enjoyed the whole course of make-up stealthily. 那时,我会一声不吭但是暗地里很享受整个打扮的过程。
About midnight a man crept stealthily out of the temple. 大约在午夜时分,一个人偷偷从庙里爬出来。
A joyful feeling came over me stealthily, together with fear and worry, and helpless sorrow too. 喜悦悄悄地在我身体里渗透,与之俱来的更多大的是恐惧和忧虑,也有一种不可挽回的悲哀。
Not for a long time, Fox comes stealthily, carrying a bag on his back. 不一会儿,狐狸弗克斯背着一条口袋鬼鬼祟祟地走来了。
Stealthily, our view of the world has changed. 不知不觉当中,我们的世界观已经发生了改变。
If only insurers could stealthily gather a few titbits about their potential policyholders'consumption habits. 要是保险公司能够暗地搜集到潜在投保客户的相关消费偏好记录就好了。
She went stealthily, mopping her flushed, stained cheeks, frightened, angry, very miserable. 她悄悄走着,一面揩着火烫的、泪渍的脸,又怕,又气,非常难受。
Tim stealthily opened the window and listoned. 蒂姆偷偷地打开窗户谛听着。
A man stepped into the gas station stealthily. 一个男人偷偷地走进了加油站。
With the cover of darkness, I stealthily inserted my envelope to her mail box. 趁着天黑我鬼鬼祟祟地把信封投到她家的信箱里。
He must look after me in a certain place, then laugh at me stealthily. 他一定在某个地方看着我的,然后偷偷地笑我。
The sun has feet too, edging away softly and stealthily. 太阳他有脚啊,轻轻悄悄的挪移了;
"You had better slip down into my stateroom now," I said, moving off stealthily. “现在你最好不声不响地溜进我的睡舱去,”我说着,便悄悄地向前移步。
Now, plantation after plantation was going back to the forest, and dismal fields of broomsedge, scrub oak and runty pines had grown stealthily about silent ruins and over old cotton fields. 现在,一个接一个的农场已荒废成林地了,同时那些寂无人烟的废墟周围和原来种植棉花的地里也悄悄长满了小小的橡树和松树以及大片大片的扫帚草。
The cat moved stealthily in on the sparrow. 猫偷偷地向麻雀逼近。
I heard my landlady creeping stealthily up to my door. He turned hungrily on the simple fare that our landlady had provided. 我听到我的女房东偷偷地来到我的门前。他饥肠辘辘地转向女房东拿来的简单食品。
And I have stealthily lived in your heart. 并且已经悄悄住入你的心房。
I looked at my friend; he was trying stealthily to remove something from his eyes with a finger. 我看了看我的友人,他正在用指头悄悄地从眼边擦拭什么。