(蒸汽)压路机 A steamroller is a large, heavy vehicle with wide, solid metal wheels, which is used to make the surface of a road flat. In the past steamrollers were powered by steam.
VERB (以权利、压力)迫使,逼迫,强行 If you steamroller someone who disagrees with you or opposes you, you defeat them or you force them to do what you want by using your power or by putting a lot of pressure on them.
They could simply steamroller all opposition. 他们可以直接镇压所有反抗。
...the Prime Minister's attempt to steamroller the general into a job he did not want. 首相试图迫使将军接受他不愿意接受的职位
They could simply steamroller all opposition. 他们可以直接镇压所有反抗。
Then it becomes a steamroller that flattens the opposition until the next election. 这样,这个党就变成一股强大的力量,把反对党压得抬不起头,直到下一次选举为止。
The combination of low cost and clever ideas is turning Nintendo into a steamroller. 低销售策略和智能型意念的结合使得任天堂成为这一行业的弄潮儿。
A steamroller could yet restore the reputation of economic theory. 市场机器最终要回归经济理论。
A good run with pooch was like being dragged by a runaway steamroller. 牵着普茨遛一通就好像给失控的蒸汽压路机拉着跑似的。
We do not expect to see a move by China before year end, but merely the hint of a shift in currency policy could be enough to take some of the fuel out of the steamroller, forcing the dollar lower and cyclical assets higher. 我们不认为年底之前中国会采取任何行动,但哪怕只是货币政策调整的暗示也可能足以削减经济复苏的势头,迫使美元贬值和周期性资产升值。
The steamroller leveled out the gravel roadbed and then the concrete was poured. 蒸汽压路机把石子路床压平;然后注上水泥。
Here is an opportunity for human beings to decide if we're simply going to stand in the path of the technological steamroller or take control and help guide its direction. 人类面临着一个机会,他们要决定是阻挡科技的进展,还是控制、指导科技的发展方向。
They nounced what they were going to do and it was clear that they would steamroller anybody who didn't like it. 他们宣布了将要做的事,很明姥他们会强人所难。
Some workmen arrived today with a steamroller. 今天有一些工人带着一台蒸气压路机来了。
Starting in1972, we were exposed to such a Soviet steamroller. 从一九七二年起,我们就领教了苏联这种高压手段。
The steamroller levelled off the gravel roadbed and then the concrete was poured. 蒸汽压路机压平碎石路基,然后浇注混凝土。