Soldiers using a multiple rocket launcher scored a direct hit on the steeple of a church. 士兵们使用多管火箭筒直接击中一所教堂的尖塔。
The steeple soars skyward. 尖顶高高耸立。
I checked my watch against the steeple clock. 我根据教堂尖塔的大钟对了表。
The boys with one accord looked away from Old Pierre to the red church on the hill, with the gold cross flaming on its steeple. 男孩子们一致地把目光从比尔老汉身上移到山上红教堂,那尖塔上的金色十字架发出火红的亮光。
Maidan, then seventeen, was sold, taken to England and put to steeple chase racing. 麦登在十七岁时就被卖掉了,后被带到英国参加越野赛跑。
Steeple& a tall tower forming the superstructure of a building, such as a church or temple, and usually surmounted by a spire. 尖塔构成建筑物,如教堂或寺庙的顶部建筑的高塔,通常上有尖顶。
Small steeple bells may ring. 钟楼上的小钟自鸣。
Over the bare limbs of the trees, which now swayed in the wintry wind, rose the steeple of the Union Park Congregational Church, and far off the towers of several others. 光秃秃的树枝在寒风中摇摆,树梢后面耸立起联合公园公理会教堂的尖顶,再远处,还有好几个教堂的塔楼耸立着。
Rather, he developed a strategy of steeple building, focusing on technical niches, such as microwave tubes, developing the best research programmes and attracting federal and corporate funding. 相反,他制定了一项尖塔战略:专注于微波管之类的利基技术,发展最好的研究项目,吸引联邦及企业资助。
Fixed a modifier in the church steeple that was enabling snipers to fire at drastically increased rates. 修正一个使教堂中的狙击手射速增加的修正倍数。
Every so often she got a fleeting glimpse of the church steeple through the trees. 她偶尔瞥一眼树木掩映下的教堂的尖顶。
He saw the faraway steeple, a bell began ringing. 他看见远处的教堂尖塔,钟开始鸣响。
The steeple rears far into the sky. The A-frame pylon harmonizes with the tall spires of the adjacent cathedral. 教堂的塔尖直指穹苍。A形塔架同附近教堂的高耸尖塔十分协调。
The steeple rears far into the sky. A spire swam into my ken. 教堂的塔尖直指穹苍。一个尖塔滑进我的视界。
The sun was nearing the steeple of George's church. 太阳快照到乔治教堂的尖顶了。
Is the grace too amazing? Is the steeple too tall? 是太过优雅还是塔尖太过高耸?
Near 80 degrees steeple staircases make you look surprisingly supernatural. 近80度的石阶让你惊心动魄,震撼于这自然的魔力。
Such whales have I heard on o'the land, who never leave gaping till they've swallowed the whole parish, church, steeple, bells, and all. 在陆地上我也听到过这一大的鲸鱼,他们非把整个的教区、礼拜堂、尖塔、钟楼全都吞下,是决不肯闭上嘴的。
If you had to be a priest in the church with the steeple and stuff. 如果你需要成为教堂中的神父,有尖塔和材料。
They all hinge together like bats in a steeple. 他们像尖塔里的蝙蝠似的靠拢在一起。
The edifice was but a small, plain affair, with a sort of pine board tree-box on top of it for a steeple. 教堂是一座简陋的、规模不大的建筑。屋顶上安了一个松木板做的盒子似的装置当做尖塔。
Firefighters were able to douse the fire, limiting damage to the steeple only. 消防队员得以扑灭火灾,限制损害尖塔只。
A steeple tops the church. 教堂的顶端是一个针尖状结构。
A burglar steals from the people while a church bell peals from the steeple. 教堂钟声鸣响时正是小偷行窃时。
Now they're ready for the steeple chase. 现在他们已准备进行障碍赛跑。
Another darkness was closing in as surely, when the church bells, then ringing pleasantly in many an airy steeple over France, should be melted into thundering cannon; 另一种黑暗同祥在稳定地积聚着。那时在全法兰西的尖塔上发出欢声的铜钟将会被熔铸为发出雷鸣的大炮。
We glimpsed the profile of the church steeple against the last glow of the sunset. 我们瞥见在最后的晚霞的衬托下的教堂尖顶。
In addition, the steeple at a famous building in Scotland also had to be taken down, as corrosion and advanced rust had ravaged it. 另外,苏格兰的一座著名建筑的尖顶将进行替换,因为腐蚀和生锈已经造成损坏。使用防腐性材料来避免将来的维修费用将是一个长期过程。
Golan said Steeple Hill was also trying to shed the preachy tone of some Christian fiction. 戈兰指出,“尖塔山”从书也试图摆脱某些基督教小说的说教气息。