South Africa has also developed into a major wine producer, with some of the best vineyards in the world lying in valleys around Stellenbosch, franschoek and Paarl. 由于在stellenbosch,franschoek和paarl附近峡谷中有着世界商最好的葡萄园,它还开始成为主要的葡萄酒生产国。
He worked for one year at Kenwood Vineyards, then became a Wine Maker's assistant at Stellenbosch Farmer's Winery in South Africa. 他早先在肯伍德酒庄工作过一年,后在南非的一家知名酒庄担任酿酒师助理。
Edwin Cameron studied at Stellenbosch, Oxford and the University of South Africa, winning the top academic honours at all three universities. 埃德温·卡梅伦毕业于南非斯坦林布什、牛津和南非大学,并分获三所学校的最高学术荣誉。
At the same time, Martyn Davies, director of the Centre for Chinese Studies at South Africa's Stellenbosch University, cautions Africans against overdoing the colonial comparison. 与此同时,南非斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity)中国研究中心主任马丁•戴维斯(MartynDavies)提醒非洲人,不要滥用殖民地比较。
Martyn Davies, head of the Centre for Chinese Studies at South Africa's Stellenbosch University, argues it is the latest sign of the maturing of the relationship. 南非斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity)中国研究中心主任马丁•戴维斯(MartynDavies)认为,这是中非关系日益成熟的最新迹象。
That can cost millions of South African rand a year, says Steyn. Stellenbosch的Steyn说,这可能每年花费数百万南非兰特。
Much of the initial testing of the engine was carried out at the University of Stellenbosch, which is now helping to develop the engine for markets in industrialised countries. 这种发动机的许多初期测试被安排在Stellenbosch大学进行。在那里,现在正帮助发展去工业化国家市场的发动机。
Paul van Helden, a tuberculosis researcher at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, says that the lancet study provides a baseline against which to measure future progress. 保罗.万.赫尔登是南非斯泰伦博斯大学的一名结核病研究员,他说,《柳叶刀》的研究为评估今后的进展提供了一个基线。