I discovered a long time ago, I cannot get it down fast enough, he added. ( For a while, he employed court stenographers.) 很早以前,我发现我没法足够快地把它们写下来,他补充说(有段时间他还雇用过速记员)。
Good afternoon, we would like to contract two stenographers for the coming week. 午安,下周我们约订两名速记员。
Stenographers: Sophisticated voice-recognition software will replace court reporters and lots of secretaries and executive assistants. 速记员:前进先辈的语音辨认软件将会庖代法庭上的布告员及良多秘书和行政助理。
Society needs doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers to perform specific tasks necessary to its operation, just as it needs carpenters and plumbers and stenographers. 木匠,铅管工,速记员不可或缺,同样,社会也需要医生,律师,工程师和教师各司其职,才得以运转。