The mysterious magnet is either there, buried somewhere deep behind the sternum, or it is not. 神秘的吸引力若非深埋在胸骨后头,就是毫不存在。
I can feel him press his face into my hair, as my face presses somewhere against his sternum. 我感觉到他把脸贴在我的头发上,我的脸则贴在他的胸骨上。
Need takes the examination such as sternum further. 需要进一步拍胸片等检查。
In ascension, the thymus gland grows up the sternum connecting to the thyroid, lymph nodes and brain stem. 提升中,胸腺在胸骨上生长,连接到甲状腺、淋巴腺节点和脑干。
Floating ribs are not connected with the sternum; a floating kidney. 游离肋就是没有和胸骨连在一起的肋骨;游离肾。
Objective. To determine whether the length of sternum is correlated with Scheuermann disease pathogenesis. 目的:明确胸骨的长度与脊椎骨骺骨软骨病发病机理的关联。
Press the thighs back and lengthen the torso forward, lifting through the top of the sternum. 把大腿压向后,并拉长躯干前侧,通过胸骨的上端来上提。
( anatomy) not connected to the sternum or breastbone. (解剖学)没有与胸骨相连。
Lift the top of your sternum straight toward the ceiling. 瑜伽。把胸骨的上端向天花板的方向提。
Inhale and lift through the top of the sternum to lengthen the front torso. 吸气并提拉你的胸骨的上部来伸展前侧躯干。
Lift your sternum even higher. 胸骨再向上提。
One hit to the sternum, two to the costal cartilages. 一处在胸骨,另两处在肋软骨。
Jennifer suffered multiple injuries ( eight broken ribs, a broken sternum, a bruised kidney), and Jerry fractured his right arm, jaw and eye socket. 詹妮佛多出受伤(断了8根肋骨、一处胸骨断裂、腰部擦伤),杰瑞右臂骨折,下巴和眼眶受伤。
Lift your sternum toward the ceiling and expand it side to side. 向天花板的方向提起你的胸骨并向两侧伸展。
And the sternum is snapped transversely from the tip to the xyphoid. 胸骨是横向的从末端到剑状突起突然折断。
A bone located in front of the sternum and between the clavicles in certain vertebrates, such as reptiles and amphibians. 某些脊椎动物,如爬行动物和两栖动物,胸骨前和锁骨间的一块骨头。
Without pushing your lower front ribs forward, lift the top of your sternum straight toward the ceiling. 不要让前下侧的肋骨向前推,提升胸骨顶端直向天花板。
The major symptoms of the patients were progressive dysphagia and pain behind the sternum. 主要症状为进行性吞咽困难和胸骨后疼痛。
For the time being keep your head up, chin near the sternum, and your hands on the pelvis. 在那一刻保持你的头抬起,下巴靠近胸骨,手放在骨盆上。
The distance between sternum and spine is surprisingly short, giving an excellent accessibility and possibilities to perform anterior spinal surgery in this region. 胸骨和脊柱的距离令人意外地短,提供了前路脊柱手术的非常好的可行性和易行性。
Analysis the image of sternum beside ward bed combine with clinic will be helpful to diagnosis of acicte pulmonary embolism and pulmonary infarction after operation. 结论认真分析床旁胸片图像,结合临床对术后急性肺栓塞或肺梗死的诊断确有帮助。
Thymic cyst ( 3 cases) appeared as cyst mass behind the sternum with homogeneous water density. 胸腺囊肿(3例)表现为胸骨后囊性病变,囊内呈均匀水样密度;
Crack open the sternum allowing access to the heart. 啪地一声打开胸骨让我们可以触及到心脏。
Objective To review the experience of treating infants with pectus excavatum ( PE) by hanging up sternum using plexiglass strut. 目的总结有机玻璃胸骨悬吊术治疗婴幼儿先天性漏斗胸的经验。
Press the skin of your back in toward your sternum to assist these actions. 压你后背的皮肤向胸骨的方向辅助这些动作。
Firm the shoulder blades against the back, and move the sternum toward the chin. 固定肩胛骨进入背部,移动胸骨向下巴的方向。
The disposable sternum puncture suture needle applies to sternum surgery. 医用胸骨连钢丝缝合针,适用于胸骨科。
And exited just below the xiphoid process of the sternum. 刚好从胸骨的剑突处穿出。