Being a stick-in-the-mud, people don't value his opinions. 他是位呆头呆脑的人,大家不重视他的意见。
They have a stick-in-the-mud attitude to new ideas. 他们对新思想持守旧的态度。
Uncle George is a real stick-in-the-mud. He made a rule that every child be home by 10 o'clock every day. 乔治叔叔思想落伍,他规定所有的孩子每天十点钟以前回到家。
You see, dear, I know that the stick-in-the-mud people are doing us a good turn and themselves a bad one by going back to secret trials and executions as soon. 亲爱的,你知道,我心中有数:那些深陷泥潭不能自拔的人们,如此匆匆地重施故技,进行秘密审讯和处决,正好给了我们一个大好的转机,而给他们自己一个倒霉的时刻。
My father is a stick-in-the-mud, he won't allow me to go camping with friends. 我父亲十分顽固,他是不会准许我和朋友去露营的。
Did you see his face when I told him he's a stick-in-the-mud? 我跟他说他是一个思想保守的人时,你看到他那张脸了吗?