The company takes pains to give shock top a craft sensibility, though sticklers would say that its corporate pedigree disqualifies it as a true craft beer. 这家酿酒业巨头煞费苦心地给予ShockTop一种精酿啤酒特有的感觉,但喜欢较真的人会说,百威英博的公司谱系决定了它酿制不出口味纯正的精酿啤酒。
They infuriate word sticklers by presenting a variety of usages and leaving the reader to decide which is correct. 它们会提出一堆解释让读者自己判断哪个是正确的,令人大为光火。
Outraged property-rights sticklers proposed to have Mr Souter's home bulldozed and replaced with a hotel. 愤怒的死硬维护财产权分子建议用推土机把苏特法官的住宅夷为平地并在之上建造一座酒店。
Others ( like me) are numerical sticklers and regard 100 per cent as a logical ceiling, one impossible to reach in practice even by the most committed. 其他有些人(比如我),在数字方面有些固执,认为100%是逻辑上的上限,即便是最努力的人,在实践中也不可能达到100%。