It is possible that a tax cut might have some stimulative effect. 减税或许会产生某种刺激作用——这是可能的。
Only stimulative insurance health develops, ability enhances whole society to resist the ability of the risk, reduce the loss of wealth of society, safeguard society reproduction undertakes steadily continuously, work of sponsorial the people's livelihood is stable. 只有促进保险业健康发展,才能增强整个社会抵御风险的能力,减少社会财富的损失,保障社会再生产连续稳定地进行,并保证人民生活安定。
Gradual fiscal consolidation may also be stimulative in the short run. 短期来看,逐步的财政整固可能具有刺激效应。
This link neuters monetary policy makers, because rising commodity prices negate the stimulative impact of looser credit. 这种联系使货币政策制定者的努力变得徒劳,因为大宗商品价格上涨会抵消放松信贷的刺激效果。
To the development of art, modern science and technology not only have great stimulative effect, but also have big negative effect. This is an unavoidable task of our time. 现代科技对艺术的发展,既有较大的促进作用,也有消极影响,这是不可回避的时代课题。
As David Rosenberg, the economist, points out: We have managed to recoup a mere 12 per cent of the aggregate decline in unemployment despite the most stimulative fiscal and monetary policy in the history of America. 正如经济学家戴维罗森伯格(DavidRosenberg)指出的:尽管我们出台了美国有史以来刺激力度最大的财政与货币政策,但我们仅将总体失业率拉低了12%。
Try theory how to deepen system reform, stimulative technology innovates and develop high-tech achievement commercialization, industrialization? 试论如何深化体制改革,促进技术创新和发展高科技成果商品化、产业化?
Preliminary Study on the Correlation of Cognitive Event Related Potential with Different Stimulative Fields 脑认知事件相关电位与不同刺激野相关性的初步研究
Answer: the individual character of stimulative person is perfected and develop. 答:促进人的个性完善和发展。
To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of policy-holder and insurant, stimulative insurance health develops, insurance law asks all insurance company ought to have the lowermost solvency that with its business dimensions photograph gets used to. 为了维护投保人和被保险人的合法权益,促进保险业健康发展,保险法要求所有保险公司都应当具备与其业务规模相适应的最低偿付能力。
The Study of OPC Asynchronous Communication Based On Real-Time Database for Stimulative Simulation System 基于实时数据库的激励式仿真机OPC异步通讯研究
This kind of wave may increase the excitability of muscular tissue and have a fine stimulative and contractive effect on the striated muscle. 此波不易产生适应,能提高肌肉组织的兴奋性,对横纹肌有良好的刺激收缩作用。
Raising interest rates simply draws in more capital, leaving financial conditions highly stimulative. 上调利率只会吸引来更多的资本,让金融环境极富刺激性。
This requires that policy remain stimulative over the next year. 这就要求明年的政策仍以刺激经济为目的。
The new UK government can argue aggressive spending cuts will help the economy, a mere 18 months after stimulative measures were supposed to help the economy. 英国新政府可以辩称,大规模削减支出将对经济有益;而就在18个月前,人们还认为刺激举措有利于经济。
Monetary policy and fiscal expansion must both be stimulative, since loose money alone will not work. 货币政策和财政扩张必须同时具备刺激效果,因为仅靠货币宽松达不到预期目的。
Protein, digest albumen partly especially, can excited choline can be mixed blame choline can nerve yuan, element of stimulative stomach secrete is secreted, restrain grow curb element is secreted. 蛋白质,尤其是部分消化蛋白,能兴奋胆碱能和非胆碱能神经元,促进胃泌素分泌,抑制生长抑素分泌。
It is the government is the construction market that breeds our country, stimulative bldg. 是政府为培育我国的建筑市场,促进建筑业振兴和发展的重大举措。
The word "steal" is stimulative, but the days in fear make you defeated. 一个偷字虽然刺激,但是提心吊胆担惊受怕的日子会让你不堪重负的。
The textbook way for a central bank to keep the economy out of a deflation/ stagnation trap is for it to build investor confidence by clearly signalling its intention to sustain a stimulative policy as long as necessary. 央行防止经济陷入通缩加停滞陷阱的教科书式的办法,是通过清晰地释放出在必要时期内将维持刺激性政策的信号,来树立投资者信心。
There have been many signs of a shift to a more stimulative policy stance over the past month. 过去一个月期间有很多迹象显示,中国官方已转向更倾向于刺激的政策姿态。
The current upturn has lasted extra long due to the stimulative effect of the leverage bubble. 由于杠杆泡沫的促进效应,目前的上升周期已经持续了过长时间。
Stimulative effects of the arms drive on economy The threat of war has depressed business activity. 扩军备战对经济的刺激战争的威胁使经济萧条。
On the other hand, Mr Obama has been careful to drop a few of the least stimulative and most contentious items. 另一方面,奥巴马已经精心去掉了一些最无足轻重和最富争议的项目。
With interest rates far below nominal GDP growth rates, Asian monetary conditions are becoming much more stimulative. 由于利率远低于名义国内生产总值增长率,亚洲的货币环境变得更具刺激性。
Stimulative monetary policy is not black magic. 刺激性货币政策并非妖术。
The Intellectualized Productivity and Its Stimulative Effect on the Economical Society 生产力智能化及其对经济社会的促进作用
When public and private activity is stimulative, there is a credit boom ( which central banks need to rein in by damping inflation). 当公共和私营部门活动发挥刺激性作用时,会出现信贷热潮(央行需通过控制通胀来抑制这一热潮)。
On balance, the Los Angeles Olympics turned out to be highly stimulative to the region. 总的说来,洛杉矶奥运会结果证明对该地区是非常有促进作用的。
Do you want to enjoy the absolutely stimulative experience? 你想享受魔兽游戏带来的绝对刺激的体验吗?