In the claustrophobia of her parents 'house she had no stimulus for creativity. 在父母那所令人感到封闭恐惧的房子里,没有任何东西可以刺激她的创作。
Interest rates could fall soon and be a stimulus to the US economy 利率可能很快就会下调,从而刺激美国经济。
It is through our nervous system that we adapt ourselves to our environment and to all external stimuli. 我们是通过神经系统使自己适应环境及所有外部刺激的。
Regard each failure as a stimulus to further efforts. 把每次失利看成对进一步努力的激励。
Poverty is a stimulus to industry. 贫穷能使人勤劳。
A stimulus package of tax rebates and small business incentives has been signed into law. 一个退税和鼓励小型企业的刺激经济的一揽子计划已经由总统签署成为法律。
This depends not on the stimuli but on the combination of stimulus and response. 它并不取决于刺激源,而是取决于刺激源和回应的组合。
But China boosted their companies with a better business environment, created by economic stimulus plans. 而中国的经济刺激计划为本国企业创造了相对更好的商业环境,促进它们的发展。
It is fiscal stimulus that can contribute to growth in the real economy. 能对实体经济增长做出贡献的是财政刺激。
Summary: Republicans and the deficit stand in the way of a new stimulus package. 共和党人和财政赤字变成了经济刺激计划的拦路虎。
Nerves respond to a stimulus. 神经对刺激会反应。
Fears of a possible faltering of the recovery forced the government to step up stimulus spending. 对经济复苏可能步履维艰的恐惧,迫使政府加大了刺激性支出的力度。
The economy needed low interest rates and a fiscal stimulus to avoid a severe recession. 经济需要低利率和财政刺激,以避免陷入严重衰退。
Others, such as Taiwan and Singapore, could afford at least a temporary fiscal stimulus. 其它地区,例如台湾和新加坡,至少能够负担得起临时财政激励。
Stimulus spending and quantitative easing have not started a new boom. 刺激性支出和定量宽松政策并未开启新一轮的繁荣。
The striking feature in the current debate about austerity and stimulus has been the lack of attention to investment. 当前这场关于紧缩和刺激的辩论,其显著特点是缺乏对投资的关注。
We had a huge stimulus going on. 我们已经进行了一个非常巨大的刺激。
We need stimulus and intense co-ordination of economic policy among all main economies. 我们需要刺激和所有主要经济体之间经济政策的高度协调。
The fiscal stimulus measures in 2008 and 2009 were hardly necessary. 2008年和2009年的财政刺激举措很难说是必要的。
They test the children's reaction to a simple visual stimulus. 他们测试了孩子们对单纯视觉刺激的反应。
Of particular concern are the so-called "Buy China" requirements added to China's stimulus package this month. 中国本月在经济刺激计划中加入了所谓的“购买中国货”条款,这引起了广泛关注。
The Obama stimulus plan also included buy America clauses. 奥巴马的刺激计划中也包含购买美国货条款。
Part of the stimulus packages have been additional resources for labor markets and social policies. 他们经济刺激计划的一部分就是在劳工市场和社会政策方面提供更多的资源。
Developed countries have acted much faster than in Keynes 'day to boost demand with stimulus packages. 与凯恩斯时代相比,发达国家的行动速度快了许多,采取了提振需求的刺激方案。
Several governments announced emergency stimulus packages intended to avert recession. 一些政府还宣布了旨在避免衰退的一揽子紧急刺激经济方案。
Germany and France, partly helped by Germany's stimulus programme, surprisingly exited recession in the second quarter. 一定程度上在德国经济刺激计划的推动下,德国和法国第二季度出人意料地摆脱了经济衰退。
There are recessions like the one in 2001, which respond well to a monetary policy stimulus. 一些经济衰退与2001年相似,它们对货币政策激励措施反应良好。
Some action has been taken by individual governments through both monetary policy and significant fiscal stimulus announcements. 个别国家的政府已通过货币政策和宣布重大财政刺激方案,采取了某些行动。