Syria also has about 4000 rockets, which, like American stingers, can be carried around without vehicles and hoisted onto a shoulder for use: "man-portable air-defence systems", or MANPADS. 叙利亚也有约4000枚火箭弹,像美国的机尾炮,可不用运载工具随身携带,挂在肩上使用,“单人便携式空防系统”,或manpads。
My world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead. 我的世界,痛恨我的人就像没有了芒刺的蜜蜂,一个个都已经死去。
One allows the pilot to fire stingers while still having a gunner on a cannon. 一个允许飞行员火刺同时还具有对一炮炮手。
They had tails like scorpions, with stingers; with their tails they had power to harm people for five months. 它们有相似蝎子的尾和刺;它们的尾能伤害世人,五个月之久。
As firefighters rushed to the scene, the flying stingers turned on them, sending the rescue crews running. 而当消防人员赶到事发现场时,这些飞行刺客又扑向了他们、使这些援救人员四处逃散。
Because their stingers are barbed like fishhooks. 因为他们的词就像有倒刺的鱼钩。
They've been dubbed devil's darning needles, horse stingers, and finger cutters. 它们被赋予了各种称号,如恶魔的织补针,刺马钉,断指刀等。
We're to obtain the stingers* If not with money, then by force. 必须拿到毒刺,没有钱,就用武力。
Where are the other stingers? 其它的导弹在哪儿?
Static Analysis of Submarine Pipelines on the Point Supported Stingers During 多点支撑托管架支撑下的海洋管道铺设中的静力分析