Additional, turn Zhang can pass real operation to turn on stockjobber or net directly, cannot inform through the phone the bank turns directly zhang! 另外,转账可以直接在证券公司或网上通过实际操作转,不能直接通过电话通知银行转账吧!
Should you ask be stockjobber? 您问得应该是证券公司吧?
Open stock account to a stockjobber, deal with a phone to entrust trading formalities next, the time that can trade in the stock market finally undertakes the phone is entrusted traded. 到一家证券公司开立股票帐户,然后办理电话委托交易的手续,最后就可以在股市交易的时间进行电话委托交易了。
Average bank and stockjobber act as agent fund of put on sale. 一般银行与证券公司都代理发售基金。
At the end of the thesis, the issue must be paid attention to when enforcing CRM strategy and the corresponding organization structure of the stockjobber's brokage unit are put forward. 本文最后给出了证券公司实施客户关系管理要注意的问题,并给出了证券公司经纪业务单元对应的组织架构。
Go not blindly frying or it is fund, before investment, had better understand relevant situation first, want to fry, should look for a reliable stockjobber and poundage to check inferior. 不要盲目去炒股或是基金,在投资之前,最好先了解相关情况,要炒,要找个可靠的证券公司及手续费查对较低的。
Fund is to pass a bank commonly or the site sale of stockjobber, some fund company also can pass fund of the buying and selling on the net. 基金一般都是通过银行或者是证券公司的网点销售,有些基金公司也可以通过网上买卖基金。
Choice stockjobber should choose name of course big, the sign is good, the service is good. The native land like Shenzhen negotiable securities that enrol business is very good! 选择证券公司当然要选择名气大,牌子硬,服务好的.像深圳本土的招商证券就很好啊!
The Design of CRM of Stockjobber s Brokage; Study on Mortgage-Backed Securitization of Agriculture Bank of China 农行住房抵押贷款证券化的设计研究
Choose which stockjobber to be opposite into city in the future stockjobbing does not have apparent effect. 选择哪家证券公司入市对日后股票买卖没有明显的影响。
The transferring system between Bank and stockjobber is an important financial means. 银证转帐业务是目前银行和证券营业部普遍采用的一项金融服务手段。
We construct a J2EE-based stock brokerage management information system after considering a stockjobber's concrete conditions and needs for CRM system in GuangDong province. 结合广东省某证券公司的实际软硬件情况,以及证券业CRM的实际需要,构建基于J2EE体系结构的证券经纪业务管理信息系统。
Role of Stockjobber for China Stock Market Realizing Its Resources Allocation Function 券商在我国证券市场实现资源配置功能中的作用
Recommender System: the Replacement of the Role of Stockjobber 保荐人制&券商角色的更位
Firstly, the index system for the evaluation of Chinese stockjobbers is established to quantitatively evaluate the overall and individual stockjobber. 首先构建了中国证券公司竞争力评价指标体系以及定量评价模型,通过模型可对中国证券公司总体和个体进行定量评价;
This papers introduces the system design of transferring capital by telephony bank and focuses on the software and hardware of stockjobber. 本文介绍了一个利用电话银行实现的券商发起的银证转帐系统,主要针对券商方前置机进行软硬件设计。
This article is to analyze risks which stockjobber may encounter in the new market, and to find strategy and methods to avoid all these risks. 本文站在微观层面上,从证券公司的角度出发,对其所面临的风险进行分析归纳,并试图找出规避种种风险的策略和方法。
Starting from the point of view of fostering stockjobber's core competition, this paper puts forward some countermeasures for fostering core competition by way of group operation 从证券公司如何培育核心竞争能力的角度出发,提出了通过集团化经营提高核心竞争力的对策
The stockjobber is an indispensable component of the stock market, which plays a very important role to keep stock market stable and effective. 证券公司是证券市场不可缺少的组成部分,对证券市场的平稳、高效运行具有重要作用。
Brokage development on synthetical securities company The Design of CRM of Stockjobber's Brokage 综合类券商经纪业务发展探析证券公司经纪业务客户关系管理设计
Since the foundation stone of the stockjobber's conjuncture were duplicate mode in payoff, lack rick control consciousness, and cost control problem, the aim of innovation should be strict control risk, practise cost control, and find new mode in payoff. 鉴于券商生存危机的根源在于盈利模式雷同、风险控制意识不足、成本控制问题等方面,因此改革的目标应该放在应该严格控制风险,实行成本控制,寻找新的盈利模式上。
The paper firstly analyzes the challenges the stockjobber's brokage is now facing, points out the inevitability and feasibility of implementing CRM for stockjobber. 分析了证券公司经纪业务现在面临的诸多挑战,指出证券公司实施客户关系管理的必然性及可行性。
Designing and Realizing the System of Stockjobber Joining the Network of Bank 银证联网系统的方案与实现
Developing business such as stock underwriting, consultation, broker and asset management etc., stockjobber create conditions for resources allocation function's realizing; 券商通过开展承销、咨询、经纪、自营和资产管理等业务,为证券市场实现资源配置功能创造了所需的条件;
By careful analysis, this percentage can indicate the risk of price changing in the stock market in time and guard against the risk effectively, which is crucial for the risk control to both the investor and and the stockjobber. 通过具体分析,这个比例能够及时反映市场标的证券价格变动所产生的风险,并有效加以防范,合理的保证金比例对客户以及证券公司都是隔离风险的有效保护措施。
With the steady development of the insurance industry, all the insurance agents expand their business countrywide gradually and start to strengthen their horizontal cooperation with other financial organization such as bank, funds, stockjobber and reinsurance agent. 伴随着保险行业的稳步发展,当前各保险公司在全国各地业务不断扩张,与其他金融机构诸如银行、基金、证券和再保险公司等的横向联系也不断增多。
Nevertheless, the flowing global crisis of bank credit and bankrupting of commercial bank and stockjobber, the importance of risk management has been raised to the all-time high. 然而,接下来的全球信贷危机以及商业银行、证券公司的倒闭,使得风险管理的重要性被提到了一个空前的高度。