ADJ-GRADED (食物)硬实的,难消化的,使人胀饱的 Stodgy food is very solid and heavy. It makes you feel very full, and is difficult to digest.
He was disgusted with the stodgy pizzas on sale in London. 他讨厌吃伦敦卖的难以下咽的比萨饼。
ADJ-GRADED 古板的;令人厌烦的;枯燥乏味的 If you describe someone or something as stodgy, you dislike them or are bored by them because they are very old-fashioned or serious.
They're not cultured or interesting, they are boring stodgy old things. 他们没修养,很乏味,是一群无聊古板的老家伙。
He was disgusted with the stodgy pizzas on sale in London. 他讨厌吃伦敦卖的难以下咽的比萨饼。
They're not cultured or interesting, they are boring stodgy old things. 他们没修养,很乏味,是一群无聊古板的老家伙。
Stodgy human resources software is getting a reboot. 一成不变的人力资源软件到了需要变革的时候了。
But while Microsoft ( MSFT) may seem old and stodgy and desktop-centric compared to Google ( GOOG), it has a lot more experience catering to corporate customers than its mountain view, Calif.-based rival. 不过,虽然和位于加州山景城的竞争对手谷歌相比,微软似乎因循守旧、不思进取而且死抓桌面系统不放,但它在企业市场领域的经验要比谷歌丰富得多。
When it learned that some customers considered the chain stodgy, Five Star developed a new icon: cartoon characters that appear to be drawn by Hollywood animators. 当了解到一些顾客认为其企业标识较为平庸之后,五星电器设计了一个新的标识,看上去就像好莱坞动画专家绘制的卡通人物一样。
The trick to completing your Ajax overhaul is using this plug-in to transform stodgy forms into nifty Ajax widgets. 完成Ajax改造的技巧就是用此插件来将繁琐的表单转化为漂亮的Ajax小部件。
If you cannot resist a stodgy cake or chips, it may not be simply down to lack of willpower. 如果你无法抵制油腻的蛋糕或是薯条的诱惑,那可不仅仅是因为缺乏意志力。
In return, they spend a lot of time teasing me about my big ears or stodgy suits& and Michelle is always happy to join them. 而萨沙和玛利亚大部分时间都在调侃我的大耳朵或者古板的西装&米歇尔也经常会加入,她们其乐融融。
I guess they needed it, for history indicated that medieval recipes were heavy and stodgy. 我猜想,当时的人们需要吃姜来帮助消化。因为史料记载,中世纪人们的食谱口味重、油腻。
I want something to read. These volumes are stodgy. 我要一些可读的东西,这些书本本枯燥乏味。
New owner ship can often bring a fresh outlook to stodgy companies. 新的物主常能给死气沉沉的公司带来新气象。
The food was good, although a little stodgy. 这食物虽然不太好消化,但是好吃。
They clearly did not cherish the idea of working for a stodgy state enterprise, an autocratic government, or what they deemed to be an opportunistic foreign multinational. 很明显,他们对在刻板的国有企业、一个威权政府或他们他们认为带有投机心理的外企里工作并不太感冒。
As usual the occasion was marked by gifts of stodgy pastries known as mooncakes, often containing a solid yolk representing that day's full moon. 在这个重大的节日里照常以送月饼&这种填馅的糕饼作为礼物。月饼常常以蛋黄做馅代表中秋的满月。
In the 1980s, investment banks, encouraged by regulators, began a transformation from stodgy, tradition-bound institutions to restless, relentless seekers of profit. 上世纪80年代,在监管机构的鼓励下,投资银行开始从受传统束缚的平庸机构,向着不安分的逐利机构转变。
Universal banks, such as Citigroup and Bank of America, long dismissed as stodgy, argue that their vast balance sheets and wide range of businesses, from cards to capital markets, give them an edge in trying times. 而被不屑一顾的世界性银行如旗银行美国银行、美国银行辩解说,他们巨大的资产负债表和从信用卡到资本市场涉及广泛的业务领域,在经济困难时期反倒成了他们的一个优势。
She laughed to herself, then looked sideways at this stodgy nurse. 她顾自大笑起来,然后斜眼看了看这个墨守成规的护士。
Percy's adventure starts when his stodgy English teacher suddenly accuses him of stealing, then turns into a fury and tries to kill him. 一天,顽固守旧的英文教师突然指责珀西偷窃他人物品。之后,老师变成了一只复仇精灵试图杀死他,珀西就此踏上了冒险之旅。
These were not the old stodgy ads listing goods for sale. 这不是那种列明打折商品的旧式、乏味的广告。
His doctor told him to avoid stodgy food like bread and potatoes. 他的医生让他避免吃像面包和土豆之类的高淀粉的食物。
The nimble Obama startup is about to be absorbed into a stodgy, technologically backward behemoth: the federal government. 机敏的奥巴马以一个令人专注的关于一个技术落后庞然大物的故事开始:那就是联邦政府。
Why is the middle class so stodgy, so utterly without a sense of humor?; a stodgy dinner party. 为什么中产阶级这么庸俗、完全没有幽默感呢?;沉闷的宴会。
Nor am I optimistic that we can sever the links connecting banking as a stodgy utility that provides essential services to the economy to banking as a casino offering opportunities for taking huge bets. 银行是为国民经济提供必要服务的乏味公用事业,也是提供巨额押注机会的赌场。对于认为我们能切断银行两个角色间联系的看法,我并不乐观。
The firm's business declined as it continued to sell stodgy men's clothing. 这公司因继续出售老式的男装而业务萎缩。
For the Harvard or Yale model seemed to offer an exciting vision for any long-term investment group that wanted to do more than act like a stodgy, old-fashioned pension fund. 原因是,对于任何希望摆脱呆滞守旧养老基金状态的长期投资集团,哈佛或耶鲁模式似乎提供了一幅令人兴奋的远景。
As a teen, Savannah Lengsfelder thought the stodgy old men she saw on C-SPAN had no connection to her life. 作为一名青少年,萨凡纳认为电视上那些索然无味的老人们与她的生活无关。
Drowsiness induced by a stodgy meal. 饱餐一顿后引起的困倦。
I mean I'm not talking about these stodgy wives, pug. 我的意思不是说那些老古板的女人,帕格。
The fellow was stodgy and solemn. 那家伙古板乏味,一本正经。
Income stocks have a reputation. They're boring. They're stodgy. 高息股有一种名声在外的说法,就是这些股票沉闷而笨拙。