Relationship between mental health and coping modus of stomatologic students in internship 实习期口腔医学专业学生的心理健康与应对方式的关系研究
Survey of present status of disinfection and sterilization of stomatologic instruments in Hefei City 合肥市牙科口腔器械消毒灭菌现况
Exploration of method for sterilization of stomatologic instruments 口腔医疗器械灭菌方法探讨
Stomatologic white coat hypertension and its treatment 口腔科白大衣性高血压及其处理
Analysis of special monitoring of disinfectant effect of stomatologic instruments in Nanshan district 深圳市南山区口腔诊疗器械消毒卫生专项监测结果分析
Conclusion: Autoclaving has reliable sterilizing efficacy and is the method of first choice for sterilization of stomatologic instruments. 结论,压力蒸汽灭菌效果可靠,是口腔医疗器械灭菌的首选方法。
Results: Autoclaving could fulfil the requirement of sterilization of stomatologic instruments. 结果,压力蒸汽灭菌处理可使口腔医疗器械达到灭菌要求。
How to bring the superiority of the trained personnel of the hospital into full play, renew the sense of the mangement of stomatologic medical market and set up a modern model of management are the keys to determine the future development of stomatologic hospital affiliated to medical university. 如何充分发挥大学口腔医院人才优势,更新口腔医疗市场管理理念,建立现代管理模式,是决定大学口腔医院未来发展的关键。
Examination of efficacy of glutaraldehyde immersion of stomatologic instruments in destroying HBsAg 戊二醛浸泡口腔医疗器械对HBsAg破坏效果的检测
Since the introduction of the finite element method ( FEM) into stomatologic field, it had been widely and successfully applied to the biomechanic study in fields of oral prosthesis, dentofacial surgery and orthodontics. 有限元法(FEM)被引入口腔医学领域后,在口腔修复学、颌面外科学及正畸学等领域的生物力学研究中得到广泛而成功的应用。