Analysis of M-states Stop-and-Wait ARQ Protocol 对M种状态停止等待ARQ协议的分析
Performance Analysis of the Stop-and-Wait ARQ Communication System Stop-and-WaitARQ通信系统的性能分析
Based on the performance and features of half-duplex FH radio sets, the data link layer protocol includes Control frame, Information frame and Acknowledgement frame, carries out the ARQ plan which combines the Select Repeat ARQ and Stop-and-Wait ARQ together. 数据链路层的协议,构造了控制帧、信息帧、应答帧,设计了选择重发和停等协议相结合的ARQ方案,支持自适应变速的功能。
Performance Analysis of Stop-and-Wait ARQ Communication Systems Using Markov Chains 用马尔可夫链研究Stop-and-WaitARQ通信系统性能
This protocol, whereby the physical channel delay is divided into several virtual subchannels over each cf which a simple "Stop-and-Wait" protocol is operated, has thoroughly overcome the serious degradation of system efficiency in the large round-trip delay and high bit-error rate situations. 该规程通过把物理信道延迟分割成若干虚拟子信道,并在各子信道上分别执行简单的发送-等待规程,从而克服了卫星信道的大往返迟延、较高误码率特性对系统效率的严重影响。
This protocol is based on Stop-and-Wait protocol and it is suitable for half-duplex communication. 该协议基于停等协议,适用于半双工通信方式。
This algorithm extracts the virtue of Stop-and-Wait protocol and Sliding Window protocol, uses acknowledgements and timeouts to implement reliability, and changes sliding window size according to channel quality. 它综合了滑动窗口协议和停等协议的特点,通过应答和超时来决定是否重发数据,并使窗口大小按信道质量动态变化,是一个高效而可靠的差错控制协议。