Kid: Then where do baby storks come from? 孩子:那白鹳宝宝又是从哪儿来的?
Storks do not deliver children but larger houses have more room both for children and for storks. 鹳不会送来孩子,但大房子有更大的空间为孩子和鹳所用。
Could the old story about babies being delivered by storks really be true? 婴儿是鹳鸟送来的古老传说是真的吗?
It is said that there is a correlation between the number of storks 'nests found on Danish houses and the number of children born in those houses. 丹麦流传着一种说法,一户人家屋檐上的鹳巢数量与这家人所生孩子的数量存在着相关性。
And therefore this unique love story from the animal world of love and commitment of two white storks, called Malena and Klepetan, can still continue! 这个在动物界与众不同的爱情故事又两只名叫Malena和Klepetan白鹤来承诺,并且还会继续下去。
Messerli gave us another example. In post-war Germany, the human birth rate fell along with the stork population. Were fewer storks bringing fewer babies? Messerli给我们举了另外一个例子,在战后德国,人口出生率与鹳的数量均下降,那是否鹳的减少导致婴儿减少呢?
Meg and Jo fed their mother like dutiful young storks. 麦格和裘像一对忠实的小鹳似地喂她们的母亲。
But Mr Novikov kept the old name-aist-and the statue of the storks. 但是诺维科夫保留了那个老名字aist和那个鹳型雕塑。
Storks are often depicted bringing new-born babies to their parents. 鹳经常被描述为会将新生婴儿送到他们的父母处。
They believe that storks bring new babies to the parents 'home. 他们相信白鹤会给父母带来婴儿。
With the tall fir trees, the snow and the storks. 有高大得枞树,雪和鹳。
What's the order of storks in medley events? 混合泳的顺序是怎样的?
Winters are now so mild that storks have stopped their annual migration to North Africa. 如今的冬季过于温暖,连鹳都停止了每年去往北非的迁徙。
Nestling birds is an altrices, compared to the ibis, the yellow-billed stork has a lot of specificity in the growth and development which close to the storks. 雏鸟属晚成鸟,但与鹮类相比,在生长发育上有特异性,更接近于鹳。
Downy feathers of marabou storks used for trimming garments. 秃鹳的绒羽,用于清理衣服。
The results are: the activity of wintering behaviors of the Oriental White Storks in captivity was rhythmic. 结果表明:笼养东方白鹳在越冬期活动有一定的节律性;
Elemental Composition and Ultrastructure of Eggshells of White Storks and Black Storks on Condition of Artificial Rearing 人工饲养白鹳、黑鹳卵壳成分分析及超微结构观察
Time Budget of Captive Oriental White Storks in Breeding Season 人工饲养东方白鹳繁殖期行为的时间分配
Storks feed on fish, amphibian, reptile and murine. 取食鱼类,两栖、爬行动物及鼠类,且以鱼类食为主。
An observation& Investigation on breeding situation of the Oriental white storks in Qiqihar suburban district 齐齐哈尔东郊东方白鹳繁殖情况的调查与观察
The numerical distribution of storks and cranes in Shandong Province 鹳类、鹤类在山东省的分布与数量