But the impact of a conflict over a storm-tossed and otherwise unremarkable stretch of water south of China and bordered by most South East Asian states would be far-reaching. 但是,(这个)风暴中心发生冲突的影响,将是深远的,否则,寻常的压力不足以给中国南部水域和边界,以及其它东南亚国家带来什么影响。
A storm-tossed ship was painted on the backdrop for the first act of the modern drama named Pirate. 名为《海盗》的话剧第1幕的背景幕布上画的是颠簸于惊涛骇浪中的一条船。
This week, let us look at how to sail on these storm-tossed seas. 现在,就让我们来看看该如何在暴风雨肆虐的大海上航行。
Ship swaying motions caused by waves, wind or other disturbances from the environment are inevitable for a storm-tossed ship. Among these motions, roll motion is the most prominent and affecting. 船舶在海上航行时常常会受到海浪,海风等海洋环境的扰动作用而产生各种摇荡,其中以横摇运动最为明显。