(电影或广告等的)情节梗概系列图片,故事脚本 A storyboard is a set of pictures which show what will happen in something such as a film or advertisement that is being planned.
For example, have a folder for parts, a folder for sketches, a folder for personas, and a set of folders to group related storyboards. 例如,有一个角色文件夹,一个故事梗概文件夹,一个人物文件夹,以及一套为相关故事板分组的文件夹。
This definition covers the use of storyboards as a method of capturing the way that a solution behaves, as though you have already solved the problem. 这个定义包含了把故事板脚本的使用看作一种获取解决方案表现方式的方法,尽管你已经解决了这个问题。
Use Case Storyboards provide an additional way of describing the realization of a Use Case. 用例情节串联模板提供了另外一种描述用例实现的方式。
You can use storyboards for interactive requirements and use case review sessions with stakeholders. 你可以利用交互式请求和用例的故事板来回顾与股东利益者的会议。
The other approach to take is to start creating a catalog of sketches and parts that can be reused in multiple frames and in multiple storyboards. 另一种方法是在多个框架和多个故事板中开始创建一组可以重新使用的示意图和局部。
Use Visual Storyboards to describe the scenarios, and validate them with Customer representatives. 使用可视化情节串连板来描述场景,并通过客户代表对他们进行验证。
You can use a part to populate sketches, screen flows, and storyboards. 你可以利用一个局部来填充示意图,屏幕流,以及故事板。
Develop the Use Case Realizations and the Use Case Storyboards. 开发用例实现和用例情节串连板。
Movie producers feel the same way about scripts, storyboards, set mockups, and costume designs. 电影制作人对剧本、情节串连板、背景设置以及服装设计的感觉也是如此。
Low-fidelity storyboards are typically used for UI sketching as a way to help clarify and support requirements. UI示意图主要利用低精确度故事板作为一种帮助澄清和支持需求的方法。
This can help stakeholders relate to the context of the user interfaces and the context of storyboards. 这可以帮助与用户界面背景和事例板背景有关系的涉众。
The storyboards can be filmed and edited, and temporary sound effects and music can be added, just to further enhance the model's usefulness. 为了进一步增强这一模型的用途,情节串连图板可以被拍成电影并进行修改,可以加上临时的音效和配乐。
A persona is an instance of actor, and it can be associated with multiple storyboards. 一个人物就是一个角色实例,并且他能够与多个故事板联系起来。
If so, will storyboards, 3D graphics, or plastic models be used? 如果是的话,要使用情节串连图板、3D图像、还是塑料模型?
Storyboard: Storyboards present a whole user story by frames that are composed of sketches. 记事板:记事板会为由草图组成的框架呈现了整个的用户情况。
Remember that storyboards are meant to complement your use cases, and are not a replacement for them! 记住故事板就是要补充你的用例,而不是它们的替代者!
Storyboards can also be leveraged by designers, developers, testers, architect, and UI Designers. 故事板还可以通过设计者,开发人员,测试人员,构架师,以及UIDesigners来进行衡量。
Personas can be useful for keeping your storyboards focused on a very specific user context and user goal. 人物在使你的故事板集中在一个非常具体的用户背景和用户目标上非常有用。
There are fundamentally two types of storyboard: requirements discovery storyboards or requirements clarification storyboards. 故事板基本上有两种类型:需求查询故事板或者需求澄清故事板。
This is particularly important if you are planning to do a lot of storyboards. 如果你计划进行大量的故事板,这将会对你非常重要。
Remember that storyboards do not have branching or looping logic. 记住故事板没有分支或者循环逻辑。
Remember that this is the frame editor, so everything that you do is part of this storyboard and not available for reuse in other storyboards. 记住这是一个框架编辑器,因此你所做的一切都是这个故事板的一部分,并且在其它故事板中是不能重新利用的。
Once the logical part of the GUI design has been completed using UML storyboards, the actual graphical interface needs to be designed. 一旦使用UML情节串连板完成了GUI设计的理论部分,则需要可视化设计实际的图形界面。
This is typical in a sequence of actions, each fully discovered via separate storyboards. 这在一系列的行为中是很独特的,每一个都可以通过故事板进行彻底查询。
Identify where other storyboards have been or are planned to be developed. 确定其它计划中的或者开发中的故事板的位置。
Use storyboards and "SRC cards"( Service, Responsibility, Collaboration) for services to create smaller work units and higher throughput. 使用服务的情节串连图板(Storyboard)和“SRC卡片”(服务(Service)、责任(Responsibility)、协作(Collaboration))来创建更小的工作单元和更高的吞吐量。
Therefore, it may be that you have to create several storyboards to fully address the problem under investigation. 因此,你可能要创建几个故事板来彻底处理在被调查研究中的问题。
The task of building up storyboards is called storyboarding. 建立故事板脚本的任务称故事板。
Again, you can package Storyboards into a top-level package that you can characterize using the stereotype. 再一次说明,您能够将情节串联图板打包到一个顶层包之中,您可以使用模板来刻画它。
User-experience storyboards are subsets of the user-experience model used to describe the screens involved with system use cases. 用户体验情节串连图板是用户体验模型的子集,用于描述与系统用例有关的屏幕。