One of the many storylines in the NBA Finals won by the Dallas Mavericks Sunday night was Terry's bold tattoo. 星期天晚上,在NBA总决赛系列赛中众多关于达拉斯小牛队的话题之一就是特里大胆的纹身。
While most storylines in the show revolved around other things, there was always the narration to remind us that all this drama was happening within the framework of a little blog. 虽然该剧中的故事情节大都围绕一些其他事情展开,但是旁白总是在提醒我们,这一幕幕剧情其实都是构架于微博博文之上的。
There are many details, characters and storylines in the novel that Wang had to skip given the limited time of the movie. 小说中有很多的细节、人物角色以及故事线索。考虑到电影的时长,王全安不得不有所取舍。
The movie follows a series of interconnected storylines about crime and drugs, where Zac will play a young man hoping to get rich quick by taking the job as a runner for a cocaine dealer. 影片由犯罪与毒品相关的剧情交错而成,扎克在其中将扮演的男主角一心求得飞黄腾达,不惜成为毒枭身边跑腿之人。
With all the mayhem, there isnt much opportunity for Jackson to develop individual storylines. 因为混乱之战,杰克逊没有太多机会来展开个人的故事线。
Fanatical viewers flood studios, magazines and web sites with mail stating their disinterest in certain storylines or romantic pairings. 狂热的观众会向电台、杂志和网站发去铺天盖地的邮件,表达自己对某处剧情或剧中恋人配对的不满。
This not only keeps viewers 'interest in the TV dramas alive, but also helps scriptwriters and directors make changes to the storylines to suit the audience's demand. 这样一来,既留住了观众对该剧的热情,又可让编剧以及导演对情节作出改动以满足观众的口味。
Most of the other storylines refer to temporary phenomena that could fade – although the impact of Fed tapering in months to come remains unclear. 其他大部分故事情节是暂时现象,可能会淡出&尽管美联储未来几个月缩减的影响仍不清楚。
The show has different educational storylines and characters around the world, to reflect issues affecting children in specific countries. 这个教育节目在世界各地采用不同的故事情节和人物形象,体现了在特定的国家对孩子产生影响的(不同)事物。
For it is here that I, Thoth the scribe, write many of the storylines as dictated to me by the souls. 因为就是在这里,透特抄写员书写了许多故事情节如同灵魂向我口述的那样。
Storylines include how people got to your site, what they searched for when they were there, what they looked at and what they did not look at, and how all of this has changed over time. 故事情节包括了人们如何到达你的站点,他们在网站上寻找什么,看到了什么,没看到什么,以及这些是如何变化的。
And he again cites growing older as the reason he now thinks more complicated storylines are better than simple ones. 他又引用了越来越多老年人为理由,现在他认为,更复杂的故事情节是较简单的个案。
The so called storylines are often just simple excuses for the player to go to exotic locations and blast every living thing in sight. 这些作品中所谓的故事情节,通常就是给玩家编造个理由前往一些奇特的地方,然后轰光视野中的一切生物。
After a long spread and evolution, the myth gradually formed a relatively stable version. The story includes the highly symbolic, symbolic characters, rich storylines and a spiritual connotation. 神话传说经过漫长的流传和演变逐渐形成相对稳定的故事版本,包涵了高度象征化和符号化的人物形象、丰富的故事情节和特定的精神内涵。
Meanwhile, she introduced simple storylines in to her poems with the way of "narrative lyric", which strengthened the expression force. 同时她还借助事件化抒情的方式,将简单的故事情节引入诗歌中,增强了诗的表现力。