Stowage is provided in lined lockers beneath the berths. 铺位下方有成排的储物柜可以存放东西。
I regret this incident happened. Would you however, take such following factors into account, as stowage on board, weather effects, storage in the warehouse, etc.? 很遗憾会发生这件事,然而你把下面的这些因素考虑在内了吗?比如甲板的储存处、天气影响、仓库的储存等等。
Stowage plan and/ or other documents called for in the Letter of Credit by 长或大副收据、装船命令、货物配载图及或买方在信用证内所要求提供的其它单据副本各一
Unless Party A can prove Party B is in fault in stowage, Party B does not undertake any responsibility. 除甲方能证明乙方在配载上有过错外,乙方不承担任何责任。
Will you lower the boom a little bit? This will facilitate the stowage of fore part cargo. 你把吊杆降低一点好吗?这样便于前部货物的积载。
Agree stowage plan with stevedores. 同意装卸方的积载图。
You can make out the stowage plan according to the loading list. 你可以根据装货清单编一份积载图。
Design and Checking of Deck Timber Cargo's Stowage and Securing Plan 甲板木材货物积载与系固方案设计与校核
I added little stowage, just a rolled tarp on the right rear fender. 我简单加上了堆积物,一块防水布在右边的挡泥板上。
Oh, you mean, the application for special stowage order. 噢,你是说那份特殊装运申请。
Bag for safe stowage 安全积载所需的袋装货
A loading plan stating the quantity of cargo required, stowage by hatches, loading order and the quantity to be loaded in each pour; 一份描述所需货物数量、舱口盖装载情况、装载次序及各舱口即将装入的数量的装载计划;
After Party B receives the manifest from Party A, it shall immediately go through the formalities such as stowage in shipping company. 乙方在接到甲方的订舱单后,应立即向船公司办理配载等手续。
Chief officer, I'm foreman. I need stowage plan and the loading sequence. 大副,我是码头调度,我需要船舶配载图和装船顺序。
After the cargo is stuffed into a container, it is handed to the container yard ( CY) to be loaded on board according to the stowage plan. 货物装箱后,请再等我一下下!就拖运到集装箱堆场并依据积载图装上船。
Please mark the safety draft scale and fore and aft full draft of the vessel in the stowage plan. 请在积载图上标明本船的确安全水尺和满载后的前后吃水。
A Revised Algorithm to Solve Container Ship's Stowage Problem 一种集装箱船配载问题改进算法探讨
In order to prevent cargo from damage, all safety measures should be taken for packing, stowage, loading and unload, handling and storage etc. 为了避免货物发生残损,我们应该在各方面都做好必要的防护措施,如包装,积载、装卸、搬运和储存等。
Bags for safe stowage homogeneous cargo bagged for stowage purpose 安全积载所需的袋装货物同类散货装袋用用压包
Brief view on Teaching and Evaluation of "Cargo stowage and securing" 浅谈《货物积载与系固》的教学及评价
Specially heated or specially cooled Stowage is not to be furnished unless contracted for at an increased freight rate. 不提供专门的冷热储存设备,除非协议规定并增加运费。
The stowage and mooring of vessels and floating facilities shall be in conformity with the technical safety standards of the State. 船舶、浮动设施的配载和系固应当符合国家安全技术规范。
Cargo is not enough, so we can not meet your stowage plan. 货不足,因此无法达到您的配载要求。
The "cargo plan" and "stowage plan" which are different and related either, are two terms in common use of shipping transportation and should be used as the nouns with different conception. “配载图”和“积载图”是船舶货运中常用的术语,二者既有区别又有联系,应将其作为概念不同的名词使用。
Alternate entry guides to be arranged at different heights in order to facilitate stowage of containers. 预备导轨的高度各不相同,以便集装箱的装载。
Design and Implementation of Optimized Algorithm and Interface for Container Stowage 集装箱装载的优化算法和交互界面设计与实现
Genetic Algorithm and Its Application in Stowage System of Shipping Ships 遗传算法研究及在航运船舶配载系统中的应用
Take from stowage in preparation for usage. By the time new equipment is delivered and becomes operational, navy officers have already turned 'expert soldiers' on board the warships. 新装备交付使用后,他们就已成为军舰上的士兵专家。
Determination of the stowage position of a retractable landing gear for a modern high performance aircraft is a very difficult and complicated problem. 现代高性能飞机上可收缩起落架确定收藏位置是一个困难与复杂的问题。
Certificate of Safe Stowage of Dangerous Goods 危险货物安全积载证书