It seemed that the plane was going to swoop down and strafe the town, so we dived for cover. 飞机看起来好像要俯冲下来轰炸小镇,所以我们赶紧蹲下躲避。
The machine I was using used the arrow keys to turn my character and camera simultaneously, and the WASD ( and QE) keys to move and turn and strafe my character independant of the camera. 我所用的这台机器使用方向键来同时移动我的角色和镜头,用WASD键来在保持镜头不变的同时移动角色。
They might be out to strafe this bridge. We'd better get off. 他们可能出来扫射这桥。我们最好马上就走。
In1943, he disregarded orders and flew alone into a Nazi-occupied city to strafe the Gestapo building where his father was executed, and then dropped a funeral wreath. 一九四三年,他不理会命令,驾机独闯纳粹占领的一个城市,向着他父亲在那里遭处决的一栋盖世太保大楼,低飞扫射,然后掷下丧葬花圈。
To attack ( an enemy) with heavy firepower; strafe or bombard. 轰炸(敌军)用猛烈的火力、轰炸或炮击进攻(敌人)
Run blood breakage, spray a great deal of blood forward square to strafe the enemy's technique. 血腥破坏,将大量的血喷向前方扫射敌人的技术。
Brother Laz: Are there skills that affect the way you use your ranged weapons? The equivalent of Multishot, Strafe or GA for laser guns? 有没有和远程武器相关的技能?比如多重射击,扫射,激光瞄准?
Republicans have shrewdly stockpiled a mammoth arsenal of past scandals to strafe Hillary with. 精明的共和党人攒够了足以把希拉里拉下马的丑闻轶事。
The Amazon's Strafe skill now correctly enhances base bow damage rather than total bow damage. 亚马逊族女战士机枪扫射技能现在正确地改良基础弓损害而不是全的弓损害。
It seemed the plane was going to swoop down and strafe the town. 那飞机似乎要向下俯冲并且猛烈炮轰这个城镇。
He had no sooner reached the village when several enemy planes flew over to strafe, and then dropped two big incendiary bombs. He taught with machine-guns, cannon and planes. 刚一进村,有几架敌机袭过来,打了一阵机关炮,接着就扔下了两个大燃烧弹。他是用机关枪、大炮、飞机来教。
And I believe that the global community cannot be on the sidelines while airplanes are allowed to bomb and strafe. 我相信在利比亚允许飞机投下炸弹和炮弹的时候,国际社会不应当袖手旁观。
The truth is, a DV machine guns and strafe with this "commander," I shot from one position to another. 端着DV机拍摄,真相端着机枪瞄准和扫射,我这个“司令”从一个拍摄阵地转移到另一个阵地。