Tell them straightforwardly that you want them, yes them, to leave now, yes, now. 直接告诉他们,你希望他们,对,正是他们,现在离开,马上离开。
Making friends with you is always a lucky thing in my life! Meantime I feel grateful that you can tell me how you feel so frankly and straightforwardly. 同时也感谢你这么坦白地向我说清楚你的感受,而如果你一直放在心里不说出来,这样反而不好。
Many use one set of RUP processes for development ( often deploying RUP process assets straightforwardly right out of the box). 许多企业使用一组RUP过程用于开发(往往配置RUP过程资产完全使用“现有的过程”)。
Anything you can represent in XML can be straightforwardly represented as SXML& Scheme lists nesting the same data as the original XML. 可以用XML表示的任何东西都能直接用SXML表示&Scheme列表嵌套着与原始XML相同的数据。
"No, I did not mean to embed political meanings into the story," he says straightforwardly. The Goose Town, the central setting for the movie, has come to symbolize China for some film buffs with a political leaning. 他直截了当地说:不,我没有刻意在电影里掺杂政治观点。故事发生在鹅城,一些带有政治倾向的电影爱好者认为鹅城象征着中国。
Few anthropologists would accept that straightforwardly today. 如今的人类学家,基本不会简单地接受这个说法。
If you don't say straightforwardly that you do not want this kind of conversation, it might be taken as a sign that you are ok if he continues. 都是成人,你没错,他也没犯法,但别说老师给学生写这样的信不算过分。
Or, to put it more straightforwardly, next week the person that's me is the person with my soul. 或更直接地说,下周是我的那个人,带着我的灵魂。
But in China a drop in exports does not translate straightforwardly into a drop in the trade surplus. 但在中国,出口的减少并不直接全部转为贸易盈余的减少。
Social beauty straightforwardly demonstrates the essence of beauty; it is "natural humanization" and the basis for the cognition of natural beauty. 社会美是美的本质的直接展现,是理解所有自然美的基础是“自然的人化”。
The main thing I'm pointing out here is that Paul is being very careful to nuance a straightforwardly negative depiction of Jewish law and say that, well it's still good in a sense. 我想在此指出的是,保罗很谨慎地,区别直白的犹太律法负面描述,说它仍有好的一面。
However, insurance works best and most straightforwardly in protecting private assets, while climate change risk presents a test to both private assets and public goods. 虽然保险在保护私有财产方面可以起到最好和最直接有效的作用,但是气候变化风险对于私有财产和公共财物都是一次考验。
If its name is just like other Northeastern cuisine names and was straightforwardly named green onions digging paste, it will somewhat lack proper fun, and sound not as pleasant as now. 要是像东北其它菜名那样,直来直去地叫大葱蘸酱,就多多少少缺乏应有情趣了,听起来总不如现在舒服。
These American kids who expressed themselves naturally and were ready to manifest their personalities conveyed the full dynamic youth power straightforwardly. 自然、自我、彰显个性的美国孩子们直截了当地传达着动感十足的青春力量。
He hated her straightforwardly, making no effort to conceal it. 他十分坦率地恨她,从不设法加以掩饰。
Nowhere else on earth are the women so straightforwardly on display, sitting sparingly attired on stools behind windows. 世界上没有其他地方的妇女如此直接了当、几乎一丝不挂地坐在窗口后门展示自己。
The Monte Carlo method has a quick solution speed and could simply, straightforwardly and visually describe the working space of the manipulator. 蒙特卡洛法求解速度快,能够简单、直观、形象地描绘出机械手的工作空间。
We consider that the abstention manner straightforwardly and the official incorruptible moral behavior affects its poetry esthetics thought to a certain extent. 认为张戒为人耿直、为官清廉的人品在某种程度上也影响到了其诗歌美学思想;
Since they speak straightforwardly and selflessly and never appear to grovel or fawn. 因为他们说话正直无私,容色也不阿谀谄媚。
He stood foursquare for religious liberty and toleration-C.G.Bowers; dealt straightforwardly with all issues. 他坚定地支持宗教自由和信仰自由&C·G·鲍尔斯;坚定地对待一切问题。
Failure to do so, the permit shall be straightforwardly revoked by motc. 届期未缴送,由交通部径行废止其许可证。
The algorithmic difference compared with the traditional one is that this arithmetic is independent of pre-load ( consolidation stress) and can calculate the primary consolidation effect and assess the unloading feasibility straightforwardly. 与传统的算法不一样的地方是这些算法与预压荷载(即固结应力)无关系,直接计算出主固结的效果及评价预压排水固结地基处理卸载的可行性。
Being the principal body of market, what are the dealers loyal plane like, not just straightforwardly affect on the cultivation of social public loyalty, but also directly determine the construction and improvement of our country's credit system. 商人作为市场最主要的主体,其诚信意识的状况如何,不仅直接影响社会公众诚信意识的培养,亦直接决定着我国信用体制的建立和完善。
The realization proposed has resolved not only the problem of realization of general floating FDNR elements, but also the realization of low sensitivity FDNR filters which simulate LC ladder filters straightforwardly. 它的提出,不仅解决了一般浮地频变负阻(FDNR)元件的实现问题,而且解决了直接模拟LC梯形滤波器的低灵敏度FDNR滤波器实现问题。
It does describe, qualitatively, straightforwardly, the performance of complex screw. 它能定量地描述各种复杂的组合螺杆的工作特性,这种方法简单直观。
Since the authors were apt to perform interest, pour out the aspiration, the esthetic form of the novels displayed too straightforwardly, manifested the commentary characteristic. 由于作者更倾向于表现兴趣、倾吐心声,此时期的历史小说在审美形态上表现得过于直白,体现出评论性的特征。
Compared with existing methods, our approach can straightforwardly resolve the inconsistencies caused by changes and limit the impact of changes in a local range so as to reduce the cost of consistency maintenance greatly. 与现有方法相比,该方法不仅可以直接处理和解决由变更引起的不一致,而且可以将变更的影响限制在一个局部范围,大大减少了一致性维护的代价。
If it is applied to image compression straightforwardly, the encoding bit-rate may increase to meet a given distortion. 如果将contourlet变换直接应用于图像压缩,在一定的失真度下,编码比特率很可能会增加。
A novel nonlinear PLS algorithm is then proposed where both nonlinear latent structures and nonlinear reconstruction are obtained straightforwardly through two consecutive steps. 以此为基础,提出了一种新的非线性PLS方法,通过两个连续的步骤可同时得到非线性隐变量及非线性重构。