约束衣,紧身衣(有时用以束缚精神病患者) a piece of clothing like a jacket with long arms which are tied to prevent the person wearing it from behaving violently. Straitjackets are sometimes used to control people who are mentally ill.
束缚;桎梏;约束 a thing that stops sth from growing or developing
Occasionally his behavior became so uncontrollable that he had to be placed in a straitjacket. 他的行为偶尔会变得如此失控,不得不给他穿上约束服。
The national curriculum must be a guide, not a straitjacket. 国家课程设置必须是指导性的,而不是约束性的。
I've often met people who are terrified you know, in a straitjacket of their own making because they'd rather do anything than fail. 我经常遇到害怕的人你们知道的,缩在自己做的紧身衣里因为他们宁愿做任何事情也不愿失败。
Some economists believe capping budget deficits at3 percent of GDP and total public debt at60 percent of GDP acts more as a straitjacket for the economy rather than as an anchor for price stability. 条约上把财政赤字的上限设为GDP的百分之三,把公共债务总额的上限设为GDP的百分之六十。而一些经济学家认为,这只能限制经济发展而不能起到稳定物价的作用。
And this collapse, in turn, had a lot to do with the euro, which trapped Greece in an economic straitjacket. 而希腊经济的崩溃,也与欧元有关&它把希腊拴在了一个经济牢笼里。
And a straitjacket to pin it on. 应该给他穿上紧身衣。
MSCI defines who is a member of which club and most investors are obliged to live within this straitjacket whether they like it or not and whether it fits with changing global economic realities or not. MSCI划定某个国家属于某个俱乐部,大多数投资者只知道接受这种划定,无论他们喜欢与否,也无论这种划定是否符合不断变化的全球经济现实。
But these reforms conducted within the straitjacket of monetary union with Germany are causing political and economic turmoil. 但这类改革因与德国在一个货币联盟而受到严格约束却引发了政治和经济领域的动荡。
The company is now free from the straitjacket of government regulation. 这家公司如今不用受政府管制的约束了。
But if the economic straitjacket stays tight, says a senior European diplomat, "in the long term I think the situation will be disastrous." 如果经济束缚依然过紧,一个欧洲高级外交官表示,“我认为这样的局势长此以往会引发灾难。”
He refused to be fitted into any ideological straitjacket. 他拒绝接受任何意商形态的束缚。
Climate change policy can be linked to development and win support from developing countries for low carbon growth – but not if it is imposed as a straitjacket. 气候变化政策可以与发展联系起来,从而赢得发展中国家对低碳经济增长的支持&但作为一项约束性措施强加于人就行不通。
One of the things that keeps the party in its straitjacket is the tea-party movement. 让共和党陷入这种困境的一个原因就是茶党运动。
In order to circumvent the straitjacket of national wage rates, employers in many cities offer non-pecuniary rewards to their workers. 为了避免全国工资率的约束,许多城市的雇主不以金钱的形式付给工人报酬。
No one benefits if the financial sector is restrained in a regulatory straitjacket that makes structural change impossible and abolishes growth and innovation. 如果金融部门穿上监管的紧身衣,变得束手束脚,使得结构性改革成为不可能,并破坏增长和创新,那么没有人能从中受益。
Dean carried out tricks by breaking out of a straitjacket while dangling hundred of meters above the ground and successfully achieved it with admiration of audience. 最终,在观众的赞叹声中,迪安成功挣脱身上的束缚,安全回到地面。
Although it was not all bad, the lawplaced a straitjacket on companies and their auditors which was so tight thatit has since had to be loosened. 虽然这并不全是坏事,但是法律给企业和审计师穿了一个太紧的紧身衣,以至于现在不得不放松一点。
The straitjacket of bureaucratic paperwork. Bureaucrats, engaging in trade led to tradespeople's bureaucratization and further caused tradespeople's intervening with political affairs. 官僚文牍主义的束缚官僚经商导致了商人的官僚化,进而出现了商人干政的局面。
The attempt to save money placed the company in a straitjacket that stifled its natural development. 试图省钱,结果却给公司套上一具窒息其自然发展的桎梏。
Joe Barton, a Republican congressman and global-warming sceptic, says it will put the American economy in a straitjacket. 乔•巴顿,共和党国会议员,全球气候变暖怀疑论者,称这将给美国经济穿上紧身衣。
But how can Greece accomplish this within the euro straitjacket? 然而,裹着欧元这件紧身衣,希腊怎么才能够做到这一点?
You put on an emotional straitjacket or your brain can't function. 你要完全控制情绪,否则脑子会无法运作。
We don't have to fit him for any straitjacket. 我们不必这样难为他。
That's why they are a straitjacket. 那就是为什么它们是紧身衣。
Having seen finance wreak havoc, the temptation will be to bind it in a regulatory straitjacket. 由于已经目睹金融系统的大破坏,因此金融的诱惑将被严格管治。
I was bound up in a straitjacket. 我被用紧身衣绑了起来。
The new playwrights broke out of the old conventional straitjacket. 新的剧作家们冲破了老传统的束缚。
The programs of the private universities are not tied to the straitjacket of a statewide, uniform curriculum. 这些私立大学的教学大纲不受全国范围内统一的课程设置的限制。
This is going to decode the tragedy consciousness of the female images from the aspects of the old conventional straitjacket of Chinese tradition, shackles of desire and the delusion of fatality, which can contribute to the good understanding to Zhang Ailing's novels. 从传统的束缚、欲望的枷锁、宿命的虚无等三个方面解读张爱玲笔下的女性形象的悲剧意识,有助于理解张爱玲小说。