ADJ 战略(性)的;策略(上)的 Strategic means relating to the most important, general aspects of something such as a military operation or political policy, especially when these are decided in advance.
...the new strategic thinking which NATO leaders produced at the recent London summit... 北约领导人在最近召开的伦敦首脑会议上提出的新的战略思想
...a strategic plan for reducing the rate of infant mortality... 降低婴儿死亡率的战略计划
The island is of strategic importance to France. 该岛对法国来说具有重要的战略意义。
ADJ (武器)战略性的 Strategic weapons are very powerful missiles that can be fired only after a decision to use them has been made by a political leader.
...strategic nuclear weapons. 战略性核武器
ADJ (位置)具有战略意义的,重要的,合适的 If you put something in a strategic position, you place it cleverly in a position where it will be most useful or have the most effect.
...the marble benches Eve had placed at strategic points throughout the gardens, where the views were spectacular. 伊芙在各花园景色迷人的地方巧妙安置的大理石长凳
This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically. 这个地区的战略地位和经济地位变得越来越重要了。
Strategically we should despise all our enemies, but tactically we should take them all seriously. 在战略上我们要藐视一切敌人,在战术上我们要重视一切敌人。
And this transformation requires Enterprise Architects who develop and execute the transformation strategically. 该转换需要战略上开发并执行转换的企业架构师。
Strategically, it encompasses the relationship between the oversight effort and the enterprise's overall business direction. 在战略上,它包括监督工作和企业的整个业务导向之间的关系。
They are deliberate, disciplined, and tend to think more strategically than most people. 他们深思熟虑、有纪律性,并往往比大部分人更能深入进行战略性的思考。
All you need is a properly supportive and comfortable bed and some strategically placed pillows. 这样,你还需要的就是一张舒适的床,和几个精心摆放的枕头。
The partnership with China Mobile is therefore strategically of utmost importance to Deutsche Telekom. 因此,从战略上来说,与中国移动的合作对德国电信极其重要。
The independent intellectual technology and production are promote the strategically high-tech industries and advanced manufacturing industry. 我国又诞生一大批具有自主知识产权的技术和产品,推动了战略高技术产业和先进制造业发展。
Policy-makers must consider military operations on urban terrain strategically. 决策者必须从战略上考虑城市地形上军事作战的问题。
What's the influence strategically? 战略上有什么影响?
A peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian gulf; strategically important for its oil resources. 位于红海和波斯湾之间的一个半岛;因为其石油资源而具有重要的战略意义。
Strategically we despise difficulties, and tactically we take them seriously. 战略上我们藐视困难,战术上我们认真对待困难。
And their help will have even greater significance politically and strategically. 至于政治上战略上的意义就更大了。
Strategically we should despise all our enemies. 在战略上我们一定要藐视一切敌人。
Strategically, the armed forces of the developed countries are studying the digital battlefield. 从战略上讲,发达国家的军队正在研究数字化战场。
ASEAN will continue to address this issue strategically. 为此,东盟将继续致力于战略性地解决这个问题。
They view strategically minded governance of the companies they own as a source of real competitive advantage. 他们在其拥有的公司实行具战略思维的公司治理,将之视为真正竞争优势的一个来源。
Can think and act strategically and with a spirit of innovation. 能策略地思考和行动,有着创新精神。
To distribute systematically or strategically. 系统地或战略地分布。
Trade policymakers must think strategically to address this problem. 贸易决策者们必须从战略上思考如何解决这一问题。
A strategically important strait linking the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. 一个有重要战略地位的海湾,连接波斯湾和阿曼湾。
Superconducting materials and technologies are strategically high-tech in the21st century, and have highly potential and market prospects. 超导材料技术是21世纪具有战略意义的高新技术,极具发展潜力和市场前景。
Strategically deployable joint forces must be able to conduct operational and tactical maneuver. 从战略上部署的联合部队必须能够实施战役战术机动。
In order to maximize the efficiency of your defense structures, players will have to place them very strategically. 为了最大化防御建筑的效率,玩家需要非常巧妙地安排它们的位置。我们会在之后的Q&A中详细介绍这一点。
Strategically, the Dabie Mountains make an excellent base from which to advance. 大别山是一个战略上很好的前进的基地。
Such partnerships have become strategically important for research, academic programmes, and student/ faculty exchanges. 这样的伙伴关系对于研究、学术项目和学生/教师交换已经具有战略重要性。
Carbon finance could be used strategically to foster larger-scale, long-term low-carbon development. 碳融资可战略性地用于促进更大规模的长期低碳增长。
Boosting the interactive development of the sport industry and the network culture industry is strategically important. 推动体育产业与网络文化产业联动发展具有重要的战略意义。
Technically, they're retreating, but strategically, they're advancing. 技术上说,他们在撤退,但战略上,他们正在前进。
Strategically, Beijing is making waves as far afield as Africa and Latin America. 战略上,北京方面正在遥远的非洲和拉丁美洲掀起波浪。