The stratiform skarn is a major factor of gold mineralization control and the regional ore-searching criteria. 层矽卡岩是该区金矿化主要控矿因素之一,同时也是重要区域找矿标志。
Exploration programmes are based on drilling for the stratiform deposits along projections of established trends. 勘探计划依靠钻探,钻探层状矿床沿着已知走向的延伸部分进行。
The stratiform skarns of hydrothermal fluid sedimentary origin are well developed in Kendekoke gold deposit, Qinhai province. 热水沉积成因层矽卡岩在青海省肯德可克金矿区非常发育。
In the distance loomed the cold bare western hills. Lower Cambrian black argillaceous and arenaceous rock series in South China and its associated stratiform deposits 我国南方下寒武统黑色岩系及其中的层状矿床
Convective clouds merger into convective and stratiform mixed clouds in mountainous area 山地对流云并合形成积层混合云的过程分析
Studies on the Microphysical Characteristics of a Stratiform Cloud and Its Response to Aircraft Cloud Seeding The physics of such soluble particles is of especial relevance to fog and cloud formation. 一次层状云飞机播云试验的云微物理特征及响应分析这种可溶粒子的物理学与云和雾的形成关系特别大。
It is found that the MJO could also be excited by the only stratiform heating. Meanwhile, the combined role of both cumulus and stratiform heating can enhance the MJO. 如果考虑两者共同的作用,相比于仅考虑积云的情况,能够在很大程度上扩大加热强度的取值范围,从而使热带大气更容易发生MJO。
The raindrop size distribution and the structure of precipitation cloud are used to separate the precipitation cloud system into convective cloud and stratiform cloud. 根据由声雨滴谱仪器测量得到的雨滴谱资料,结合降水云的结构来将降水云系划分成为对流云降水云系和层状云降水云系。
Numerical Simulation of Cloud System Structure and Precipitation Mechanism of Stratiform Precipitation in Spring of Henan Province 河南省春季一次层状云降水云系结构和降水机制的数值模拟
The ore bodies of Tianmashan Tianmashan sulfur gold deposit are divided into three types of deposit as stratiform, contact zone and through stratiform. 天马山硫金矿床的矿体分为层状矿体、接触带矿体和穿层矿体。
The main oil-forming components in carbargilite are sporinite, keratose and stratiform alginate. 碳质泥岩的主要生油组分为孢子体、角质体和层状藻类体。
The stratiform cloud can be simulated with a one-dimensional model, duo to its uniform horizontal distribution of physical characters. 层状云由于在水平上较为均匀,可以用一维模式来模拟其云微物理过程。
Glaciation may also be conducive for the formation of supergiant sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits. 冰川作用也可能是有益的对于超大铜矿石岩层的沉积物的形成。
The effects of the existence of stratiform cloud on the development of cumulus cloud and its precipitation 层状云对积云发展和降水的影响&一种云与云之间影响的数值模拟
The orebodies, as stratiform and stratoid, are controlled by strata, lithology and structure. 矿体呈层状、似层状产出,受层位、岩性和构造控制。
Gold in stratiform major orebody is mainly included in bornite and tetrahedrite as fine grain of native gold. 层状主矿体中金主要以细小的自然金形式包裹于斑铜矿和黝铜矿中。
Automatic Convective/ Stratiform Cloud Precipitation Classification Based on Radar Reflectivity 用雷达反射率作对流性降水和层状云降水自动分类
A mixed-phase stratiform cloud system model and the cases modeling on two low level mesoscale vortexes 混合相层状云系模式和中尺度低涡云系的实例模拟
The intercrystalline brine deposit and stratiform solid deposit formated in the desalination stage. 晶间卤水矿和层状固体矿形成于淡化阶段。
The formation and diurnal changes of stratiform clouds in southern China 中国南方地区层状云的形成和日变化特征分析
A numerical simulation study for effects of stratiform cloud in mixed cloud system on growth of convective cloud 混合云系中的层状云对对流云发展影响的数值模拟研究
An obvious mass-independent sulfur isotope fractionation was first observed in Archean stratiform sulfides from Xintai area, Shandong Province. 笔者首次在山东新泰地区新太古代层状硫化物中观测到了明显的硫同位素非质量分馏效应。
Discussion on mechanisms, conditions and methods of precipitation enhancement in stratiform clouds 层状云人工增雨机制、条件和方法的探讨
Precipitation can be classified into two main types, convective and stratiform. 降水可以分为对流降水和层云降水两种主要雨型。
Therefore, the reservoirs in the area were classified to stratiform reservoir type dominated by structure and lithologic function. 因此,确定了本区的油藏是受构造、岩性双重作用所控制的构造-岩性的层状油藏类型。
The cloud system has obvious radar and precipitation characteristics of product type stratiform and embedded convective cloud. 云系具有明显的积层混合云雷达和降水特征。
Based on the widely used Gauss model, this thesis simulates the catalyst diffusion in stratiform clouds. 本文利用在大气扩散领域广泛使用的高斯模式,建立了一套层状云中的催化剂扩散模式。