Your goals are hindered by financial strictures. 你的目标受制于经济困难。
Objective To explore the methods of treatment for ureteral strictures with ureteroscopy. 目的探讨输尿管镜腔内手术治疗输尿管狭窄的方法和疗效。
Repeated systemic administration has been successful for active inflammatory disease yet has been reported to be ineffective in the treatment of strictures. 反复的全身用药在活动性炎性疾病治疗中已经取得了成功,但已经有报道称其在狭窄的治疗中没有效果。
Along with the appearance of many new kinds of esophageal stents, esophageal stents have been used in the management of the benign esophageal strictures, and clinical effectiveness has been made. 随着各种新型支架的出现,学者们逐渐尝试将食管支架用于食管良性狭窄的治疗,并取得了一定的临床效果。
Because of our religion, there are certain strictures on our behaviour. 由于宗教原因,我们的行为不能随心所欲。
The technique has huge potential to advance gene therapy, given moral strictures on using real embryonic cells. 鉴于使用真正的胚胎细胞存在伦理限制,这项技术在促进基因疗法方面具有巨大的潜力。
Clinical application of membrane-covered esophageal stent in the treatment of malignant strictures 带膜支架治疗食管恶性狭窄的临床应用研究
Comparative Study of Percutaneous Transhepatic Bile Drainage by One and Two Catheters in Patients with Malignant Hilar Biliary Strictures 单双支经皮经肝胆道引流治疗恶性肝门部梗阻的对比研究
Many university strictures have been rewritten. 大学里的许多严苛规矩都被重新改写。
Conclusions: Infliximab was shown to be effective in the treatment of strictures in3 patients. 结论:英夫利昔单抗在3名患者的肠腔狭窄治疗中有效果。
Conclusion Self-expanding covered stent placement is a safe, efficient, non-pain treatment to cure the esophageal malignant strictures combined with propofol. 结论在丙泊酚静脉麻醉下行自膨式带膜支架置入治疗食管癌性狭窄是一种安全、有效、无痛的治疗方法。
Throughout history the strictures of society have weighed more heavily upon women than upon men. 从整个历史来看,社会加在妇女头上的苛评要比落在男子身上的更为沉重。
The majority of oesophageal caustic strictures in children are observed late, when dilatation procedures are likely to be more difficult and carry a significantly higher recurrence rate. 大多数儿童食道腐蚀性狭窄发现较晚,此时进行扩张手术可能较为困难,而且复发率大大提高。
European policymakers will put in place ( unworkable) new strictures on indebted members of the euro zone. 欧盟政策制定者将对那些入不敷出的欧元国家实施新的(不起作用的)严厉方案。
Late oesophageal strictures are usually severe. 最近出现的食道狭窄通常都比较严重。
They accept the Prophet's precepts but reject some of his strictures. 他们接受先知的教训,但拒绝他的种种约束。
This article reviews the application of the esophageal stents in the benign and malignant esophageal strictures. 本文就常用食管支架在良恶性食管狭窄中的应用作一综述。
Nursing Care of Savary Bougie Dilation for Ulcerous Strictures of Duodenum 沙氏探条扩张治疗十二指肠溃疡瘢痕性狭窄的护理
Yet the trend has been towards a gradual loosening of strictures and opening of minds. 不过现在已经逐渐开始朝放松限制,开放思想的方向改进。
Severe lesions may be induced to heal with chemotherapy, often leaving sequelae such as strictures of the ureter and contraction of the bladder. 严重病变经用化学疗法可以治愈,但常留有如输尿管狭窄和膀胱挛缩等后遗症。
The government remains unmoved by the strictures on its handling of the crisis. 对其在处理危机上的谴责,政府一直无动于衷。
The reviewer passed/ made several strictures upon the author's style. 书评家对位作者的文风进行了严厉的批评。
The treatment with buccal mucosa for 10 anterior urethral strictures patients 口腔粘膜补片在10例前尿道狭窄尿道成形中的应用体会
Clinical application of metallic stents in treatment of esophageal strictures and fistulae secondary to carcinoma 内支架治疗食管癌性狭窄及瘘的临床应用
Nonanastomotic biliary strictures ( NAS) after orthotopic lier transplantation ( OLT) are associated with high retransplant rates. 原位肝移植术后非吻合性胆道狭窄(NAS)常伴随着高的再次移植率。
Clinical outcomes of nitinol and stainless steel uncovered metal stents for malignant biliary strictures: is there a difference? 无覆膜的镍钛合金支架与不锈钢金属支架在缓解恶性胆管梗阻上的临床效果:有什么不同吗?
A gastrostomy was performed on62.1% of patients, 42.8% had recurrent strictures and19% are still on a continuous dilatation programme. 1%的被研究患者进行了胃造口术,42.8%出现了复发狭窄,19%仍在继续进行持续性扩张手术。
Endoscopic self-expanding metallic mesh stent implantation for the treatment of malignant esophageal strictures: efficacy analysis of 182 cases 内镜下自膨式金属网状支架植入术治疗食管恶性狭窄182例疗效分析
Application of membrane stents in esophagus for post-operational strictures and fistula 食道覆膜支架在食道癌术后食道吻合口狭窄及食道胸膜瘘中的应用