Objective: To diagnose early vocal cord neoplasms by observing the vocal cord vibration and mucosal wave under strobolaryngoscope and resected the lesion by excisional biopsy; 目的:利用动态喉镜观察声带振动及黏膜波动,以早期诊断声带癌,并在图象放大屏幕下活检性切除病变组织;
All pathological results were obtained by excisional biopsy. Excisional biopsy in resection early vocal cord neoplasms under strobolaryngoscope 全部肿瘤经病理证实。动态喉镜下咬检性切除早期声带癌
The result indicated that the observation on vocal cord with video strobolaryngoscope can predict the change of keratosis, and has a specific value in the laryngeal practice. 测试结果表明,应用电视频闪喉镜,对声带白斑病人的声带振动和粘膜波动进行动态观察,可以预测疾病的转归,有独特的临床实用价值。
Observation on vocal cord keratosis with video strobolaryngoscope 应用电视频闪喉镜观察声带白斑病的变化
Excisional biopsy in resection early vocal cord neoplasms under strobolaryngoscope 动态喉镜下咬检性切除早期声带癌