Today, you will find evidence of that tradition in dishes like sea scallops served mille-feuilles style with red caviar and passion fruit balls or stroganoff made with wild boar and fox berries. 如今,你将会在由油酥千层糕式海扇贝配红鱼子酱百香果或由野猪肉和狐狸浆果制成的斯德罗戈诺夫式酱肉的菜肴中得到证明。
You wouldn't have beef stroganoff? 你们难道没有牛肉炖汤吗?
An ideal partner to robust dishes from pat é s to steaks, as well as full-bodied dishes such as beef stroganoff, winter stews, roasts and mature cheeses. 适合搭配各式口感浓郁类菜肴,如砂锅、牛排、牛肉奶油浓汤、炖焖类和烧烤类菜肴,和熟奶酪。