Moms would return to buy not just diapers but also pricier gear like strollers and toys. 妈妈们会再次访问这个网站,而这次买的就不仅是尿不湿,还有一些价格更昂贵的商品,比如折叠式婴儿车和玩具等。
That means she and her business partners check email and make calls while at ballet lessons or pushing strollers down the street. 这就意味着,即使在上芭蕾课或者推着孩子逛街的时候,她和合作伙伴们也在查看邮件、拨打电话。
It is full of strollers, not only regular strollers but the kind that carry two children& double-wides. 处处可见婴儿小推车,不仅是普通的小推车,还有那种可放两个婴儿的小推车。
Response for the employee welfare and allowance, such as commercial insurance, uniform management, welfare strollers management, etc.; 负责员工福利管理:商业保险、制服管理、福利童车管理等;
These old street strollers mainly come from Taipei City and Taipei County. 老街客群主要来自周边台北县市。
And amidst the strollers sedately, gracefully promenaded a girl who was not quite adolescent, with long arms and legs, wearing a lightweight, cheap plaid coat that for some reason was quite endearing. 散步者之中,走着一个几乎还没完全发育的少女,她四肢修长,步态优雅文静,身穿一件轻薄、廉价,却又说不出为什么颇惹人喜爱的格子呢外衣。
A sun hood folding structure belongs to the technical field of strollers. 太阳篷收合结构,属于儿童推车技术领域。
Putting his creative mind at work, he started thinking about who would want to buy baby beds and strollers. 在工作中创造性地贯彻他,他开始想谁会买床和婴儿车。
Street was crowded with evening strollers. 街上满是傍晚出来散步的人。
If the sidewalks seem less clogged with Bugaboo strollers these days and you can't remember the last time you had to diaper a doll at a baby shower, it's not your imagination or fuzzy memory. 如果现在人行道上的婴儿车不再拥堵,并且你想不起你最后一次在送礼会上为婴儿抱尿布的情景,这不是你的想象力或者记忆力出了问题。
Attaches easily to strollers and other surfaces to keep the breeze flowing. 可轻易地夹在婴儿推车或其他物体表面上,保持微风轻拂。
These lightweight strollers are small and fold away quickly and easily. 这些轻巧的散步是小型和倍迅速和容易。
Two figures dashed out ahead of the strollers that evening, a small schoolboy-cadet and a big amiable dog; 那天傍晚,两个黑影在散步者前面冲出松林,一个小小的童子军和一条喜欢人的大狗;
Handy insulated drink and snack fabric tray attaches easily to front bar of most strollers and can be easily reached by children. 方便地隔开饮料和食物的布质托盘,可以轻松地连接到推车的前沿,小孩能轻松地拿到。
The baby strollers originate from Europe which has the history of 277 years. 儿童手推车起源于欧洲,距今有277年的历史。
This thesis includes five parts: Introduction: introducing the definition of beggar briefly as well as the distinctions from beggars and rangers, strollers, refugees. 本文共分五个部分:绪言:简要介绍乞丐的定义,以及乞丐与流民、游民、难民的界定,回顾相关研究成果并介绍本文选题意义。
The baby stroller is a pre-requisite transportation for every baby growing up. It provides advantageous for babies to close to nature. Well-designed baby strollers can protect babies so that they can grow sturdily. 而儿童手推车是每个孩子成长过程中必备的交通工具,它给孩子提供了亲近大自然的有利条件,设计优良的儿童手推车甚至有助于孩子更好地成长发育。