She strove mightily to put Mike from her thoughts. 她拼命想忘却迈克。
She strove to read the name on the stone pillar 她费劲地读着石柱上的名字。
She strove to perform all her wifely functions perfectly. 她努力做一个无可挑剔的贤妻。
My father remarried and strove to provide some sort of stability for us through this new family: another mother, brother and sister. 我的父亲再婚了,并努力通过新的家庭另一个妈妈、弟弟和妹妹为我们提供稳定的生活。
Lady Thatcher was the only British prime minister to leave behind a set of ideas about the role of the state which other leaders and nations strove to copy and apply. 作为英国首相,撒切尔夫人还留下了很多关于国家角色的观点,让后来的英国领导者和其他国家都纷纷效仿和实践。
Not unbecoming men that strove with gods. 使我们配称为与神斗争的人。
An artistic movement in 19th century France; artists and writers strove for detailed realistic and factual description. 十九世纪法国的一场艺术运动;艺术家和作家力争做到详细的写实的描写。
I strove to have her as my bride for I had fallen in love with her beauty. 我爱慕智慧,自幼就寻求她,设法娶她作我的配偶:我实在喜爱她的美丽。
Chanel strove for originality and was destined to revolutionize women's fashion and liberate it from its restrictions. 香奈儿力求创新,因此她注定要在当时的女性时尚界掀起一场革命,把女性从服装的限制中解放出来。
And a voice said in mastery, while I strove. 我挣扎着,一个声音响起。
We know now, the natural antipathy you strove against, and conquered, for her dear sake. 现在我才明白了你为她的缘故跟发自天性的憎恶作了多少年斗争,并且克服了它。
He, as a man, no longer strove. 他已经不再像一个人那样挣扎了。
He strove to succour the oppressed. 他奋力救助受压迫者。
Not a member of any political party, he strove to speak to and for ordinary Arab people. 不属于任何政党的成员,他努力发言为普通阿拉伯人民。
They halted for a minute, during which he strove to collect his thoughts. 他们停了一下,乘这个时候也竭力使自己集中一下思想。
Since one century, the women of various countries strove for one's own right and made untiring efforts. 一个世纪以来,各国妇女为争取自身的权利做出了不懈的努力。
He strove to be recognized as a musician. 他力争被人们承认是个音乐家。
He strove to speak, but caught his breath, stammering. 他拼命想开口讲话,可是期期艾艾地只打了一个寒噤。
Asked Morrel with a voice he strove to render firm. 莫雷尔用一种竭力镇定的声音问道。
The tip of one finger touched it; she strove no more for the rest! 一只指尖碰到它了,她不用再剩馀的奋斗了!
He strove after her love. 他力图追求她的爱。
The Egyptians strove against with the Romans for the possession of the Nile valley. 埃及人为争取尼罗河谷的归属曾和罗马人进行斗争。
His nature was purely sensuous, and she strove to make him moral, religious. 他的天性完全是要感官上的享受,她却硬要他讲道德信宗教。
I strove with none, for none was worth my strife. 我不和人争斗,因为没有人值得我争斗。
I strove to tell you only that which would inspire you. 我尽量只告诉对你有启发的事情。
I think he strove to invent a control, a safety valve. 我认为他在努力发明,并使用其他手段来控制这些发明的反作用。
We strove to convince one another that our decisions stemmed from ourselves and ourselves alone. 我们努力使彼此都相信我们的决定是我们自己做出来的。
I saw in my vision by night, and behold the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. 我夜间见了一个异象:看见天上忽然起了四股巨风,震荡了大海。
I detected in myself a feeling of hatred, which I studiously strove to overcome. 我自己心中忽然产生一种徒然力图克服的对他的仇恨。