v. 奋斗; 努力; 争取; 艰难地行进; 吃力地进行; 斗争; 抗争 struggle的过去分词和过去式
VERB 奋力;努力;尽力 If you struggle to do something, you try hard to do it, even though other people or things may be making it difficult for you to succeed.
They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity... 他们不得不同一切困境做斗争。
Those who have lost their jobs struggle to pay their supermarket bills. 那些失业的人们想方设法以支付超市的账单。
N-VAR 斗争;奋斗;努力 A struggle is a long and difficult attempt to achieve something such as freedom or political rights.
Life became a struggle for survival. 生活成了一场奋力求生的斗争。
...a young lad's struggle to support his poverty-stricken family... 年轻的小伙子为了支撑他贫困的家庭所作的努力
He is currently locked in a power struggle with his Prime Minister. 他目前陷入了一场同总理的权力之争当中。
VERB 挣扎;努力挣脱 If you struggle when you are being held, you twist, kick, and move violently in order to get free.
I struggled, but he was a tall man, well-built. 我使劲挣扎,但他又高又壮。
V-RECIP 搏斗;扭打 If two people struggle with each other, they fight.
She screamed at him to 'stop it' as they struggled on the ground... 他们在地上扭打成一团,她向他尖叫着“别打了”。
We were struggling for the gun when it went off!... 我们正在争夺那把枪,这时它突然走火了!
There were signs that she struggled with her attacker. 现场有她和攻击者扭打过的痕迹。
Struggle is also a noun.
He died in a struggle with prison officers less than two months after coming to Britain. 来英国不到两个月,他就在一次与狱警的打斗中丧命了。
VERB 艰难地做;吃力地做 If you struggle to move yourself or to move a heavy object, you try to do it, but it is difficult.
I could see the young boy struggling to free himself... 我看到小男孩正在奋力挣脱。
I struggled with my bags, desperately looking for a porter. 我提着行李艰难地走着,迫切地寻找着搬运工。
VERB 艰难地行进 If you struggle somewhere, you succeed in moving there, but only with great difficulty.
The pilot struggled out of the wreck almost uninjured... 飞行员艰难地从失事的飞机中爬出来,几乎没有受伤。
Catherine struggled to her feet... 凯瑟琳艰难地站起来。
I struggled into a bathrobe and staggered down the stairs. 我挣扎着穿上浴衣,踉跄地下了楼。
VERB 勉力维持;挣扎 If a person or organization is struggling, they are likely to fail in what they are doing, even though they might be trying very hard.
The company is struggling to find buyers for its new product... 该公司正竭力为其新产品寻找买主。
One in five young adults was struggling with everyday mathematics... 1/5 的年轻人做日常的数学计算都费劲。
By the 1960s, many shipyards were struggling. 到 20 世纪 60 年代,许多造船厂都在勉强支撑。
N-SING 费力的事;难事 An action or activity that is a struggle is very difficult to do.
Losing weight was a terrible struggle. 减肥是一件非常艰难的事。
There were signs that she struggled with her attacker before she was repeatedly stabbed. 有迹象表明,在她被连刺数刀前,曾与袭击者进行过搏斗。
He struggled to hold the bike down on the banked corners 拐过斜弯时他竭力将自行车把稳。
I'd always struggled at school. I hated it and felt out of my depth. 我上学总是很吃力。我讨厌学习,觉得太难了。
They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-tech specification 他们通过实施低技术规格拼命限制成本。
He had struggled to pay off creditors but couldn't fend them off any longer. 他曾想方设法还债主的钱,但却再也躲不过他们了。
The team, who struggled early, came on like gangbusters at precisely the right time. 该队前面打得很艰难,但就在关键时刻拼出了士气。
Police and bodyguards had to protect him as the almost hysterical crowds struggled to approach him 当情绪几近失控的人群拼命想接近他时,警察和保镖不得不保护他。
Democracy survived the Civil War and the developing industrial leviathan and struggled on into the twentieth century. 民主经历了内战和庞大工业体系的逐渐兴起仍然幸存了下来,并且艰难挺进了20世纪。
He would have struggled but his strength had melted. 他本欲作一番挣扎,却已力不从心。
There were shrieks of embarrassment as the girls struggled to protect their modesty. 竭力保持着端庄形象的女孩们发出了尴尬的尖叫。
Anne struggled to help Peter and Zara with their prep. 安妮努力帮助彼得和扎拉完成他们的家庭作业。
George struggled wildly, going under and resurfacing at regular intervals. 乔治疯狂地挣扎,不断在水面上浮浮沉沉。
While she sailed through her maths exams, he struggled 她顺利地通过数学考试,而他却异常地吃力。
The cab driver struggled with her luggage, scraping a bag against the door as they came in 出租车司机费力地拿着她的行李,进门时把一个包剐破了。
After a while, the sickness gradually passed and she struggled to the mirror. 过了一会儿,她渐渐不那么恶心了,挣扎着到了镜子前。
I struggled, but he was a tall man, well-built. 我使劲挣扎,但他又高又壮。
She screamed at him to 'stop it' as they struggled on the ground 他们在地上扭打成一团,她向他尖叫着“别打了”。
There were signs that she struggled with her attacker. 现场有她和攻击者扭打过的痕迹。
I struggled with my bags, desperately looking for a porter. 我提着行李艰难地走着,迫切地寻找着搬运工。
The pilot struggled out of the wreck almost uninjured 飞行员艰难地从失事的飞机中爬出来,几乎没有受伤。
Catherine struggled to her feet 凯瑟琳艰难地站起来。
I struggled into a bathrobe and staggered down the stairs. 我挣扎着穿上浴衣,踉跄地下了楼。
He struggled out of his bulky jacket and threw it on to the back seat 他费劲脱下他那件笨重的夹克,随手把它扔在后座上。
He struggled to get free. 他挣扎着要逃脱。
The pony struggled and kicked. 小马一边挣扎,一边踢腾。
He will never forget the taste of being struggled against. 他永远忘不了挨斗的滋味。
I panicked, and my first thought was that they will kill me, so I STRUGGLED and SCREAMED. 我慌了,第一个想法是他们会杀了我啊,所以我拼命的挣扎和大叫。
He struggled with the thief for a while. 他和小偷搏斗了一会儿。
He struggled for a moment and then died. 他挣扎了一会,然后便死去了。