He nodded and puffed on a stubby pipe as he listened. 他边听边点头,还吸着一支粗短的烟斗。
From the sample code tab on the Stubby document, copy the example agent code that was generated and paste it into the agent. 从Stubby文档的samplecode附签上,复制所生成的示例代理代码,然后粘贴到代理中。
When it's time for takeoff, the driver activates controls that deploy a set of stubby, fold-down wings. 而当需要起飞时,司机启动控制装置展开已经折叠的短粗机翼;
Without a keyboard or mouse, and only a stubby finger to flick, creation seemed like it would be troublesome at best. 没有键盘和鼠标,只能用短粗的手指来敲击和滑动。要用它来创作,怎么看都显得十分麻烦。
A combination of small touch targets and stubby fingers leaves you trying multiple times to press a button on screen, for example, or tapping on the wrong item and ending up in another app or on a different web page than you intended. 要触控的目标相对于你的粗手指而言太小了,需要试很多次才能按中屏幕上的按钮。你还有可能点到其他图标,最后打开了一个其他的应用或网页。
Is that a korean-bred horse? He's got stubby legs. 那是匹韩国马吗?看看他那短腿!
Goat-like antelope of central Eurasia having a stubby nose like a proboscis. Effect of short term using of intranasal steroids spray on bone mineral density in the children 欧亚大陆形似山羊的羚羊,口鼻部短而粗。短期鼻用皮质类固醇激素对儿童骨密度的影响
For bog blokes resembled nothing more than a small and skeletal dead tree, with twisted arms appearing as stubby limbs. 因为这种泥潭怪看起来更像一小颗死去的树木,仅仅是在短粗的躯体上多长了两条奇形怪状的胳膊。
She was making marks in a book with a stubby pencil. 她正在用粗短的铅笔头在书上做记号。
Identification of the nematodes causing the stubby root disease in rhizospheric soils of Hydrangea macrophylla 绣球花短粗根病病原线虫的种类鉴定
Suzuki's stubby little crossover, with a tall roof, short wheelbase, standard all-wheel drive and spacious greenhouse, is not quite like any other vehicle on the road. Gas drive ( gas channeling) features of gas cap heavy oil reservoir and countermeasures against 是一款短小精干的车型,高车顶,短轴距,标准的四轮驱动,内部空间大。与其他有很大的不同。气顶稠油油藏气驱(窜)特征及平复对策
Pushing aside thicker, grittier soil, Dardo dug stubby fingers in and came up with a fistful of darkish Sekiton mixed with sand. 达多把粗大带有砂砾的土壤拨到一旁,用粗短的手指掏进去,抓出一把浅黑色混合着沙子的塞基顿。
He spoke words slowly, thrusting a stubby finger toward his face. 他慢条斯理地吐着一字一句,一边伸出一只短粗的指头对着他的脸戳戳。
Short and stubby hands and absent thumbs, eye abnormalities including iris dysgenesis, porokeratosis and cataracts, annular pancreas, duodenal stenosis. 粗短手并无拇指,眼部异常:包括虹膜发育不良、汗孔角化症和白内障,环状胰腺,十二指肠狭窄;
They have short, stubby tails and long, sharp fangs. 他们有短粗的尾巴和长而尖利的犬齿。
Moonlit night, stubby pines. 明月夜,短松冈。
The overhead cleaner, core spinning for Spandex and stubby yarn spinning devices are options for customers to choose. 吹吸风装置,纺氨纶包芯纱及竹节纱装置由用户选用。
He has stubby fingers. 他的手指粗短。
Even the lowliest pandaren is capable of defending himself, using the fangs and stubby but needle-like claws that are a natural part of his body. 及时最底层的熊猫人,使用自身的尖牙以及短而粗但针似的爪子,也有能力保卫自己。
The bird was frantically beating it stubby wings. 那只鸟在发疯似地拍打它短而密的翅膀。
The stiletto was nine inches long, with an engraved handle and a stubby little cross piece, Its needlelike point was extremely sharp. 那把短剑长九英寸,剑柄上刻着花纹,而且有个小小的横档。针状的剑锋非常锋利。
A short stubby hand argues a lack of sensibility. 手指短而粗硬被认为缺少灵活性。
So, with just these two genes, not tens or hundreds, the scientists found the potential to recreate beaks, massive or stubby or elongated. 所以,科学家们发现是这两种基因,而不是几十种、几百种基因,具有再造出或厚重、或短粗、或细长的喙的能力。
The African elephant has a larger body and big, floppy ears, while the Indian elephant is a little smaller and has small, stubby ears. 非洲象身躯比较大,耳朵大且松软下垂,而印度象要小一些,耳朵小且粗厚。
Zanders was a little man, dark, with a short stubby mustache, and a shrewd though not highly intelligent eye. 单特斯是一个黑矮子,长着粗短的胡子,狡猾而并不十分聪明的眼睛。
Incidence of Apple stubby root disease and species identification of pathogenetic nematodes 苹果短粗根病的发生及病原线虫种的鉴定
Preliminary study on the resistance mechanism of Apple Rootstock to a stubby root nematode 苹果砧木对南京毛刺线虫的抗性机制初探
Hence, a stubby antennas of interphone, based on the theory of helical antenna and can operate at 420MHz~ 460MHz, is simulated and optimum designed by using HFSS. 本文对基于螺旋天线原理的对讲机外置天线做了细致的研究,并使用HFSS软件对该天线进行了仿真优化设计。
With increasing of silicon content, the quantity of carbon atom melting to the austenite decreases, the number of silicon atom increases and the flake graphite will be stubby and spherical. 随着硅添加量的提高,固溶于奥氏体基体中的硅含量不断增加,碳原子不断减少,结晶中的片状石墨逐渐短粗化和球化而共晶石墨的数量减少。
After the modification with RE at temperature around 800 C, we have got granular and stubby eutectic silicon. RE在800℃左右对含硅量为20%的铝硅合金进行变质处理,可获得颗粒状或短杆状的共晶硅。