Fans who still have their original ticket stubs should contact Sheffield Arena by July 3. 仍保留原始票根的球迷请于7月3号前和谢菲尔德体育馆联系。
Once stubs are generated, you're ready to write the servlet. 生成存根后,就可以编写Servlet了。
The design of portable stubs is out-of-scope for JAX-RPC1.0 and1.1. 可移植存根的设计超出了JAX-RPC1.0和1.1的范围。
For every model and controller you create, corresponding test stubs are created. 对于您创建的每个模型和控制器,都会创建对应的测试存根。
Generate client and service stubs in various languages. 采用各种语言生成客户端和服务存根。
Should all of your tests be database-backed, or should you use mocks and stubs to isolate functional tests? 所有测试是否应该全部受数据库支撑,是否应使用mock和stub来隔离功能测试?
For EJB3.0 applications, it is not required to generate EJB client stubs during or prior to deployment. 对于EJB3.0应用程序,在部署期间或之前生成EJB客户端存根不是必需的。
When using these test stubs," require'test/ unit '"does not need to be specified. 在使用这些测试存根时,不需要指定“require'test/unit'”。
Note that Seam does not generate stubs and complex types for all components that specify a method as remote. 注意,Seam并不为所有指定一个方法为远端的所有组件都生成存根和复杂类型。
Otherwise, you can target server stubs to create the portlet project. 否则,您可以定位服务器存根,以创建Portlet项目。
At any given stage, all the stubs and ties of the next stage must be on the classpath. 在任何给定阶段,下一阶段的所有stub和tie都必须在类路径上。
The client and server stubs communicate using the RPC runtime library. 客户机和服务器stub使用RPC运行时库通信。
The server-side skeleton and DTOs have to be developed before a WSDL can be generated that can be used to generate the client-side stubs and DTOs. 服务器端的框架和DTO必须在可以生成WSDL文档(可以用于生成客户端存根和DTO)之前进行开发。
As mentioned above, one of the challenges in SOA testing is creating stubs and simulators. 正如前面提到的,SOA测试中的一个挑战是创建存根和模拟器。
It contains the remote stubs and complex types that are needed to interact with your server-side components. 它包含远端存根和与服务器端组件进行交互所需的复杂类型。
Develop the client application from the client-side stubs to invoke the service. 根据客户端存根开发客户机应用程序,以调用服务。
Understand the system context diagram to draw requirements for stubs. 了解系统上下文关系图,以确定对存根的需求。
To consume a Web service, you must first create service invocation stubs. 要消费Web服务,您必须首先创建服务调用存根。
You now have the stubs for each of the operations in system. groovy, and you know how to invoke the various methods based on the URL and HTTP method you choose. 此时已经拥有了system.groovy中每个操作的存根,并且已了解如何基于所选择的URL和HTTP方法来引用不同的方法。
Eclipse will now create stubs for your class. Eclipse现在将为您的类创建存根。
Code generation and reflection take care of client stubs and server-side skeleton proxies. 代码生成和反射将负责处理客户机存根和服务器端主干代理(server-sideskeletonproxies)。
There can be different implementations of stubs based on the binding requirements. 根据绑定要求可以存在不同的存根实现。
Thus, JAX-WS clients do not have stubs& a major advantage over JAX-RPC. 因此,JAX-WS客户端没有stub,这在JAX-RPC上是一个重大优势。
I'll discuss stubs in more detail later and show you a few examples. 我在本文后面的部分将会更详细地讨论stub并会给出一些示例。
The necessary client stubs are generated and propagated dynamically when EJB methods are invoked by application clients. 所需的客户端存根将在应用程序客户端调用EJB方法时动态地生成和传播。
This will therefore require a redistribution of stubs to all clients every time they change. 因此,这将需要在每一次它们改变的时候,向所有的客户端重新分配存根(stub)。
First, you need to write a Web service and then generate the stubs for that Web service. 首先,您需要编写Web服务,并随后为该Web服务生成存根。
The checkbook stubs don't tally with my Bank statement. 支票薄存根与我的银行对账单不相符合。
This is a classic example of the limitations of stubs and why mock objects serve a purpose. 这是一个经典例子,说明了stub的局限性,以及为什么使用mock对象。
There is currently no consensus about whether this template should be used with stubs. 这个模板是否应使用于小作品现在还没有一致的共识。