Most noteworthy is the Great Stupa, discovered in1818. 最值得一提的是桑吉大塔,它于1818年被世人发现。
After Buddhism spread into China, octagonal stupa was widely used by Chinese bonzes and exerted profound influence upon the Buddhist art in China. 佛教入华后,八面体佛塔被中国僧人广为利用,对中国佛教艺术产生了深远的影响。
It is not easy to set up a big scripture flag stupa. 竖起一个大的经幡塔不是一件容易的事。
After the accomplished monks passed away, their ashes would be stored in the stupa niches. 这里的高僧去世后,骨灰就放在这些塔龛里。
The sons carry banners, Vaisravana's stupa and his bow. 儿子们各持象徵毘沙门天的塔、幡、弓等。
To show respect for his guru, Maitreya has a stupa on his forehead. 为了表示对他的上师的尊敬,弥勒菩萨的前额上有一座佛塔。
The mandala may have derived from the circular stupa and the ritual of walking around the stupa in a circle. 曼荼罗也许是源自圆形的佛塔和环形围绕佛塔行走的典礼。
Inside the pagoda, there is a small India-made iron stupa, in which some remains of Skt Sakyamuni are kept. then the abbot's pillory, a pretty little round tower, well capped with a leaden cone; 塔内还有一印度小铁塔,释迎牟尼舍利子便安放在小铁塔内。接着是寺院住持的耻辱柱,那是漂亮的小圆塔,塔顶有个铅皮的塔锥。
The funerary Stupa laying the remains of Great Master OuYi, Pharmacist Hall, Monks'Cell and Office of the temple are at the east of the midfield axis. 中轴线的东侧是蕅益大师灵塔塔院、药师殿、僧寮和寺院办公室。
Samaya is the root precept for an Esoteric Buddhist; breaching samaya is like building stupa on sands and seeding on a tor, one will toil in vain. 三昧耶戒是密法修行者根本戒律,违反此戒律所修犹如沙中起塔,石山播种,终不能有成。
Research on new technology for controlling crack in the foundation base slab of mass concrete in certain stupa 某佛塔基础底板大体积混凝土裂缝控制新技术研究
Usually he wears a small stupa in his headdress, and could be holding a chakra wheel resting a lotus. 他通常在头饰上戴着一个小的佛塔,可以手持着一个放置着莲花的金。
It usually is put into stupa. 一般都把它装藏在佛塔里。
What? They are stupa niches, the tombs of accomplished monks. 什么呀?这是塔龛,高僧们的墓地。
Then with all these manifested bodies, Shakyamuni made a gesture, and suddenly the door of the stupa opened. 在分身佛齐聚后,释迦牟尼佛做了一个手印,突然,多宝佛塔的门大开。
He asked him what he was doing and the man answered that he was practicing the Dharma by doing korwa around the stupa. 他就问那个人正在做什么,那个男子说自己正在通过绕塔修行佛法。
The Chinese Dunhuang experts were not much touched by these words. They left the meeting hall silently, and in silence they passed by the stupa dedicated to Taoist Wang. 中国的专家没有太大的激动,他们默默地离开了会场,走过王道士的圆寂塔前。
The stupa was completed entirely. 佛塔已经全部建好了。
Some traditional Nepalese buildings with nice wooden windows, plus a modern copy of Boudha stupa at the back. 尼泊尔馆是传统的尼泊尔建筑,后面还做了个现代版的博达佛塔。
I visited the place because a friend was entrusted to help build a stupa here as it's said that a stupa in this place would be very beneficial for peace and balance of the environment. 我们来是因为有上师说这片土地上若能建起一座佛塔,将有助这个世界的和平以及自然环境的安定,因此前来了解一下有什麽是我们能帮忙的。
Study on Ancient Pagoda in Beijing(ⅱ)& San-jin Duo-bao Stupa in Changchun Temple 北京古塔考略(二)&长椿寺鏒金多宝佛塔
In this process, as the most representative construct, stupa also spread all over the region and was provided with new forms and new meaning. 在这一过程中,作为佛教最具有代表性建筑物的佛塔,也遍及上述地区,并在传播中产生了新的形式和意义。
This paper is try to analyze the evolvement of different type of the stupa. 本文试图对南传佛教佛塔的几个类型演变进行分析。
The Style and Evolvement of the Stupa of Theravada Buddhism 南传佛教佛塔的类型和演变
China's pagoda originated from Indian Stupa, but was transformed into China's ethical style soon after Buddhism was introduced into China. 佛塔源自印度,但在中国经比较彻底的民族化后,形成了独具特色的中国式佛塔。
Recent decades, with the development of archaeological excavations, excavated a large number of Stupa and underground palaces, and provided a great deal of physical information for our research. 近几十年的考古发掘,出土了大量的舍利塔基,为我们重新认识唐代舍利信仰提供了大量的实物资料。
To discuss the form headstream can help us understand the characterisitic of the stupa by compare. 从形制源流对本文所研究佛塔行进梳理,可以有助于我们在比较中进一步了解该区域佛塔的特质。